Terrapin Part -1

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Author’s Note:

            No prior knowledge of Pink Floyd or Syd Barrett is required, as I hope to explain it to the best of my abilities. This story is a sort of Pink Floyd/ Syd Barrett fan fiction written around the time of Syd’s departure from the band (1967/1968).The story is a work of fiction, interweaving events that coincide with actual events in Pink Floyd's history, however they have been condenced and altered for the purposes of the story. The chapters are set so as each one is an event in his life that may have inspired a song on his solo album "The Madcap Laughs." If you have any questions, feel free to comment or message me and I’d be happy to answer them.

Chapter 1: Terrapin

                “How about a vacation?” Roger suggested at the meeting. Murmurs filled his small flat.

“Well, where would we go?” Nick’s wife, Lindy asked.

“How about Formentera? It’s lovely there this time of year.” Rick suggested. The room filled with approval.

“How did we know this is going to help any?” I asked. The room grew quiet. It was originally the Rog’s idea to hold these meetings with everyone regarding what to do with Syd. The meetings started out only held once in a while, but as each attempt failed and the situation became grimmer, the meetings were pushed to once or twice a week. Everyone who wasn’t Syd was expected to attend. The band, Roger, Nick and Rick. Their wives/girlfriends; that is me with Syd, Lindy with Nick, Juliette with Rick and Judy with Roger.

“We don’t know. But what the hell else are we to do? Nothing has worked so far, we’re taking shots in the dark. Especially since our best and last plan was a failure.” Roger looked at his thumbs.

“Oh, right. What happened with that plan?” Lindy was sick last Tuesday and missed the meeting.

“I drove him up to North London to see a shrink. Syd refused to go in, but the doctor suggested it was the band that might be the problem.” Roger replied.

“I’m all for it, but I think Jen should have the final say.” Lindy said. Everyone looked over at me. I exhaled slowly and pushed my bangs back over my head.

“I don’t see what harm it could do. You guys have been working so hard lately. Even if it won’t help Syd you all could use a vacation.”

“So…Formentera?” Rick asked. Everyone agreed. The meeting was adjourned and instead of ringing Syd, I decided to pay a visit to his flat.

            It was a dodgy looking place in a nice neighborhood. Various cars were parked out around front. This was something I had become accustomed to. Syd lived wildly with nameless people coming in and out at all times. A skimpily dressed girl who looked no more than sixteen exited the flat. I made brief eye-contact with her and I could tell she was high as hell. I opened the door and called out for Syd. It was dark, but I could see faint outlines of clothes and garbage strewn carelessly across the floor. Half-naked women and men were draped over each other. Some were lying on the couch, others on the floor. It baffled me how Syd could live like this. Most people would be put off by all of the women in and out of the apartment, but I knew Syd was often too stoned to participate in any of these…shenanigans. His room was in the back and that’s where I was headed. The door was unlocked, so I slid right in. The curtains were drawn and Syd lay asleep on a mattress on the floor. Open paint cans were on the floor next to a couple of partially painted floorboards near the mattress. I put the lids back on the cans and opened the curtains. Syd groaned.

“Have you any idea what time it is?” he asked.

“Have you?” I asked with hands on my hips. His head was buried under a blanket and he was silent for a while.

“No, I haven’t a clock. Someone broke it. So, have you any idea what time it is?” My mind jumped between anger and amusement. I loved his dry humor. I looked at my watch.


“In the morning? Lord, have they fixed the street lights with suns for bulbs?”

“The afternoon, Syd.” I said. Syd got up, rubbed his eyes and offered me a seat on one of two stools in an empty corner of the room.

“What brings you here so late in the day, my love?” he asked, lighting a cigarette.

“Cigarettes? I thought you graduated to dropping acid seven times a day.” I said bitterly. He put his hand on my chin and looked into my eyes.

“It’s only three or four… I love you, you know that?”

“I love you too,” I mumbled. “But, that’s not why I’m here. We’re going on a vacation! Just you and me… and Rog and Judy and Rick and Juliette and Nick and Lindy and I think Rog might invite Sam and his wife with their new baby.”

“Where are we going?”


“I heard it’s lovely this season.” Syd always surprised me.

“Oh, and who told you that?”

“I can’t remember.” He said.

“So you’ll come?”

“Of course.” He said and kissed me gently on the lips. Mine mind whirred and the thoughts of when Syd and I first met came flooding into my mind. I didn’t want to remember.

“Um… I have to go.” I said to him. “You might want to clean up your guests before the trip. I’ll ring you with the details.”

“What guests?”

“You aren’t aware of the sex and the drugs and the rock’ n ’roll going on outside your door?”

“I think I was tripping.” He said, peeking out the door.

“Of course.” I sighed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

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