Dark Globe

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 I was wheeled back up to my hospital room and handed a change of clothes from my place. I changed out of the airy hospital gown and was wheeled by David to his car.

“You’ll be staying with me, if that’s okay. You’ll be right near Sam at all times. He helped me from the chair to the car and then folded the chair into the back seat.

“It’s my chair from when I broke my leg as a kid.” He told me.

“What’s going on?”

“You overdosed on LSD, Jenny.”


“Someone probably spiked a drink or some food. Did you eat or drink anything at Syd’s?”

“I can’t remember. Will I ever remember?”

“It’s a possibility. Oh, and I’m supposed to give you these.” He handed me a white pill bottle.

“What are they?”


“For what?”

“In case you have any episodes.”

“Can you take me to my apartment to get my things?”


            Dave pulled up and helped me back into the wheelchair. He told me one of the side-effects of overdosing is having difficulty with my mobility. That and I also hadn’t used my legs in over a week. He helped me inside. Syd was standing in the living room, looking at me.

“I can ask him to leave if you want.” He offered, sensing I was angry he hadn’t come to the hospital.

“No, I have to deal with this.”

“I’ll pack the rest of your clothes.” He left me and Syd alone.

“Why didn’t you come?”

“Come where?” he asked. I could tell he was stoned.

“To the hospital to see me.”

“Why were you in the hospital?”

“Stop acting like you don’t know! I can’t do this anymore, Syd.”

“Do what?”


“You can’t do that!”

“Yes I can. We’re over! When I needed you, you weren’t there! And you’re unreliable and I can’t babysit you anymore.”

“But…I love you.”

“You don’t get it! I’m losing my mind because of you. They want to throw me in the loony bin! ” I sobbed. “I told you and told you that it was dangerous and you didn’t listen! You never listen! I woke up confused, and seeing things and I couldn’t remember and you know who was there? Your friends! Rick and Nick and Roger, who I didn’t even know before the band. I haven’t been dating them since we were sixteen! Six years we’ve been together as a couple, we’ve known each other since we popped out of our mothers’ wombs and you couldn’t show up to the hospital to see if I’m okay?!”

“I was sick. But, I’m not anymore. I’ll clean up my act. Just, please, give me another chance.”

“I’m going to live with Dave for a while. Until I get back on my feet. I can’t see you anymore.”

“Please, please don’t do this.” He got on his knees and begged.

“Maybe we’ll meet again someday.” I told Syd. “David! Can we please go?” David, armed with a bag of my things pushed my chair out of the apartment.

“I trust you can show yourself out.”

“How dare you!” Syd screamed. “You bastard! First my band, now my girlfriend! How low can you sink?”

“Dave, what is he talking about?” I asked, turning to look at Syd.

“I bet your boyfriend didn’t tell you that, eh?!” he yelled.


“They kicked me out of the group!” David helped me into the car, and put the wheelchair in the back. He drove away without a word. It was a decent fifteen minute drive to David’s place in North London and talking would be unavoidable.

“Is that all true?” I inquired.

“Let me explain-“

“Don’t bother. He had it coming.”

“You don’t understand-”

“I understand perfectly well. In a fight I told him that this habit of his was going to rob him of everything and it has. I understand that you and the rest of the band did what you did for Syd’s sake and for yours. Just like I did what I did for myself as well as him. Do you still think I don’t understand? I may be crazy but I’m not stupid.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Stop it! You’re doing it again. Speak to me like a normal person! I’m no more fragile than I was at the concert.”

“You’re right,” he laughed. “You’re pluckier.”

“Pluckier? Couldn’t think of a better word?” I laughed too.


I know this chapter is really short, I will be updating probably mid-next week to make up for it.

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