Love You

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Authors Note: Sorry this is a Chapter is really short!!! I promise another one early next week to make up for it. :D

“Are you high? First of all, when we started dating we were only kids, you weren’t in a band and therefore were not doing drugs. Second, nobody put me up to anything! I didn’t tell you because I wanted to protect you!” I screamed at him.

“Protect me from what!?”

“Yourself,” I was done yelling at him. “I knew that if I told you, you’d just be mad and you’d beat yourself up inside. I figured if I didn’t tell you’d be mad for a bit and then forget about it.”

“That’s the most absurd thing I have ever heard.”

“Is it really? Are you going tell me now that you didn’t spend the last two weeks tripping and feeling shitty about yourself because of it?” I asked. He became quiet. “I just want you to open your eyes and see what this is doing to us. We never fought before. I see you take it and take it and I see it slowly killing you inside. And that destroys me! I blame myself because I- I can’t make you happier. You have to look to acid because I’m not good enough.” I was crying now.

“Is that how you really feel?”

“Well I didn’t take it from a cheesy romance novel, if that’s what you think. It’s all from here.” I pointed at my heart.

            Syd stood up and came over to hug me. He kissed me on the head and rocked me slowly back and forth.

“I love you. Nothing and nobody could ever make me happier than I am when I’m with you.”

            The sound of a key in the lock filled the silence and the band entered the room. Roger coughed and Syd let go of me.

“Now that you two’ve made up, we have some other business to discuss before we start practice. Sit down everyone.” Roger said. I walked over to whisper something to him before it started.

“If any of you tell Syd I know, I’ll ring the lot of you.”

“Understood.” He said. I went to sit back down next to Syd, who had pulled up a chair next to mine. I held his hand.

“What did you say to him?” Syd asked quietly.

“I just thanked him for the chance to work things out with you.” I smiled and kissed him. Roger leaned against the table and a serious look crossed his face. I could tell he was the poor sucker that had to break the news about Dave to Syd.

“Um… Syd. We know you’ve been under a lot of stress lately. We’ve decided to bring in Dave to do some of the guitar work… to ease your work load.”

“That it?”

“Yeah. Dave’s joining the band. He’s not replacing you…I want you to know that. We aren’t replacing you.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Syd said. “Other than welcome to the band, Dave.” He said shaking Dave’s hand.

            I stayed to watch the boys’ practice for the gig they had in a few days. After, I drove Syd home.

“Could you come in for a second?” he asked.

“I don’t know, I should be going…” I replied. I looked up at Syd, who gave me his best ‘puppy-dog’ look. “That work didn’t work when we were younger and it won’t work now.” He kept it up. “Fine.”  I followed him inside. The living room was empty and I briefly wondered what he had done with the couch. He took his guitar out of its case and sat on the floor. He patted a spot across from him and I sat down.

“I wrote you a song. A new one.” He said.

“You’re always writing,” I blushed. “ When did you have the time?”

“Band practice.”

“I didn’t hear you play anything different.”

“That’s because I wrote it inside my head.”

“Well then, what’s it called?”

“I’m flopping between ‘Jennifer’ and ‘Love You’.”

The Madcap Laughs (Pink Floyd/Syd Barrett)Where stories live. Discover now