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Feel                                                                             Syd’s Point Of View

            “I’m sorry.” I whispered, but she was already gone. I sat down on the floor and the reality of my life seemed to run me over like a steam roller. The floorboards became victims to a scraggly paintbrush and a half-empty can of black paint.

. My life is empty and meaningless without someone to share it with. I want to go home and this flat just wasn’t it anymore. It lacks the life and joy that I took for granted in my childhood. All I want is Jenny to be by my side…forever.  I asked her to marry me when we were little. She said yes and I gave her a pathetic excuse for a ring that I had made out of twine on the playground.                        

            But she wouldn’t marry me now. She won’t even look at me anymore. I need someone on my side. To convince her to give me just one more chance. To convince her that I could change and that I need her. Given an hour or so all of my friends would side with her. David would ask in the car ride back what had happened, she’d tell him, he’d call Roger who would call Nick and Rick and they’d tell their girlfriends and Jen would call my sister and… who’s left? My mum. She always loved Jenny like a daughter.       

            And maybe she’s got a point. We were so in love back before it all happened. In all the years we had known each other, we had never fought. And after, well…

            Is it wrong to consider taking the coward’s way out when everything you stand to lose has left you? That’s kind of like cheating God. Or Fate. Or God of Fate. Or whatever it is that oversees melancholy and irony.

The Madcap Laughs (Pink Floyd/Syd Barrett)Where stories live. Discover now