Something is... strange

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One by one the students stood up and filed out of the bus, lining up on the side for attendance. Jay's fingers were intertwined with Xavier's as he placed a small kiss on the smallers forehead as one of the teachers passed them.

"The two of you are sickeningly cute," Aziz whispered to them.

"We know we are," Xavier replied, "Did you get any sleep last night or on the way here? You look exhausted."

Aziz shook his head, leaning back against the bus, "I have a bad feeling that I just can't seem to shake."

"A bad feeling?" He asked, "How so?"

"I don't know yet." Aziz answered, shrugging.

"It's probably nothing. You shouldn't worry too much." Xavier told him

"Yeah your probably right about that," Aziz said, "As soon as we get to the castle I'm sleeping until we have to leave."

"That would probably be good for you." Xavier told him with a small laugh

Aziz opened his mouth to say something before being cut off by a flying carpet, with the Sultan Aladdin seated on it. Xavier noticed how Aziz stiffened upon seeing his father. Whatever had happened during family day must've been pretty bad. The two of them stepped off the carpet, greeting everyone before having one of the workers lead them towards the palace. The sultans eye's shifted towards his son, who stiffened under his father's gaze.

"Aziz." He greeted, walking up.

"Father," Aziz mumbled back, keeping his eyes trained on the ground, "Where's mom?"

"Your mother is in the palace right now. She isn't feeling very well." Aladdin responded

Aziz nodded and Aladdin shifted his gaze to Jay and Xavier.

"Your wrists are more bare than they were before." He noted

"Jay freed me." Xavier said, leaning against Jay's arm

"That's wonderful." Aladdin told him, a kind smile on his face

Xavier nodded, not feeling the usual kindness from the man he had grown to see as a father. Something seemed too strange to feel at ease in his presence.

"Let's catch up with the group." Aziz said, grabbing Xavier and Jay and pulling them along

Alright sorry for the short chapter however I have a question. Who should I focus on in the next chapter? Do y'all wanna see some more Xavier and Jay content or would you like to see some more interactions with Aziz and his father? Leave a comment with what you want!

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