It worked... kinda

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The general warning for this chapter is just Jafar acting gross and creepy toward Aziz, who is around 16-17ish.

What the hell do you do when you get a text from your boyfriend telling you that your father escaped the isle of the lost, kidnapped the prince of Agrabah and probably mind controlled the sultan?

No, seriously, Jay wants an answer. Because that's not the string of texts he expected from his boyfriend seconds after he woke up. They were barely even comprehensible messages, seriously, what was Xavier doing when he was typing these out? Would it kill him to type correctly?

Once he could understand the borderline gibberish that had been sent to him, Jay was on his feet, in the halls trying to find Mal. Sure, this was his dad and by that logic, his problem, but Mal is a fucking fairy. She can probably handle this better than he can.

He finally found her in the courtyard, looking through her spell book.

"Mal!" He called, rushing up to her, "I need your help."

"What else is new?" She asked, rolling her eyes playfully as she looked up at him, "Woah, you look stressed. What's the matter?"

"Jafar escaped the Isle with your mother," He told her, jumping straight to the point and showing her the texts Xavier had sent him, "I should have listened to Xavier when he told me something was off, but I just thought he was tired and stressed."

"Ok, so you need my help sending him back?" Mal asked, "Because that I could probably do."

"Yeah, and we should probably hurry," Jay told her, "My dad kidnapped Aziz and Xavier went after them."

"I'm sorry, your boyfriend went to face Jafar on his own?" Mal asked, eyes wide in surprise, "I don't know if I think that's insanely stupid or if I respect it."


"As cute as your stubbornness is, I'm afraid I can't allow it to continue," Jafar hummed, dragging the boy up.

Xavier discreetly put his hand to the small of Aziz's back, causing a jolt of magic to run through him as Jafar tried to use his own magic on his mind.

"There you go," He said, holding the boy's face, "How are you feeling?"

Aziz forced a soft smile, leaning against the man's touch in an attempt to sell the act.

"Much better," Aziz sighed, "Why was I fighting you again?"

"I think I like you better like this," Jafar said, "I think you'll be a great use to me once I kill the rest of your family."

Aziz could barely contain his flinch.

"What's really a shame is how smart he is," Jafar said, now addressing Xavier, "He figured it out so quickly."

"What, that Jay was his brother?" Xavier asked, "It's true?"

"Yes, although Jay wasn't my original target," He said dismissively before turning his attention back to Aziz, "You might be more beautiful than your mother was."

That time Aziz did flinch, but he covered it well with the way he put his arms around Jafar's neck, leaning against him with a small smile.

"You really think so?" He asked, somehow keeping the disgust out of his voice.

'Fuck, Jay, hurry up, I don't think I can handle watching this much longer.'

"You should let Xavier leave," Aziz suggested, suppressing a reaction when Jafar's hands found their way to his waist, "He's of no use to you."

Jafar studied him for a moment, causing Aziz to let out the smallest noise of discomfort as he tilted his head up. 

"Just how stupid do the two of you think I am?"

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