How Have They Not Learned Yet?

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Listen, I make up the magic laws as I go, no one is going to stop me.

Anyway, this chapter is shorter, mostly because I want to add in all the funner bits into the Isle chapter.

The next two weeks went by relatively quickly. Xavier didn't receive any more messages from his brother, and Ambrose had calmed down a bit with the constant threats and messages. Currently, he sat in the library with Mal, looking through her textbook. 

"I know it's not Genie magic," Mal said, looking over his shoulder, "But I still think it's fun."

"It's really interesting," Xavier said, glancing up at her, "Hey could Jay do magic?"

"I never really thought about it," She said, "I mean logically, if Jafar were actually his dad, then he could easily, but he's not."

"Right, because he'd be a genie," Xavier said before rolling his eyes, "Wouldn't have been fucking around with my lamp if that were the case."

"No, he most likely would have still used it," Mal sighed, "I don't think you've noticed, but he's not exactly the brightest."

"Hey guys, how have the two of you been?" Jay said, rushing up to the pair and shoving something into Mal's hands, "Hold this for me will you?"

"What have you been up to?" Xavier asked, glancing up at his boyfriend with a curious look in his eyes.

"Maybe I just want to hang out with my sister and boyfriend," Jay said, slipping into a chair next to him, "Ever thought of that darling?"

"He's totally up to something," Mal said, rolling her eyes, her hands absentmindedly brushing against the item in her hands.

"You're both so distrustful," Jay sighed, his eyes flickering to the door before they landed on the book in Xavier's hand, "Oh, looking at some dark magic, are you? Mal, are you trying to corrupt him?"

"You were taking too long," She said, sending a little smirk at Xavier.

"I was just curious about it," Xavier said with an eye roll, setting the book on the table, "I've only really ever been around Djin magic, and it functions differently."

"I think I heard our parents arguing about that once," Mal said, looking over at Jay, "They were trying to figure out who was more powerful."

Xavier thought about it for a moment, and when he opened his mouth to respond, someone else cut him off.

"There you are!" Aziz exclaimed, approaching them quickly, "Jordan is pissed at you."

Xavier noticed that both his and Jay's eyes both briefly flickered to his leg before looking back up at his face. He looked mildly amused.

"What did you do to Jordan?" Xavier asked, furring his brows as he glanced over at Jay.

"It's not that bad, it was an accident really," Jay started, taking the item back from Mal, "Look her lamp's fine!"

"You took her lamp?" Mal asked, raising an eyebrow, "Jay, have you not learned your lesson?"

"I mean, last time I did this I got a cute boyfriend out of it," Jay said, gesturing to Xavier, "There wasn't all that much to learn."

Aziz rolled his eyes, slipping into a chair across from Jay.

"What are you three up to?" He asked, looking curiously at the open spell book.

"Mal was showing me some of her spells," Xavier said with a shrug, "Can we not skim past the part of Jay stealing my sister's lamp though?"

"I wasn't gonna do anything with it," Jay insisted, rolling his eyes.

"It's a shame I couldn't use any of these spells on the Isle," Mal sighed.

"Can you imagine if there was magic on the Isle?" Jay asked, "Fuck, it'd be terrifying."

"You know, sometimes I wish we could go back, just to see how the other VK's are holding up," She said, leaning back in her chair. 

Before any of them could say anything else, the lamp on the table started to glow and produce a blinding white light.

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