I have a better understanding magic than you Mal

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Making Xavier the snarky character towards Mal that he was meant to be, but he didn't really have a reason to act like this towards her before.

Xavier wasn't quite sure when Aziz had managed to slip away from them, but it was clear that Jay and Mal hadn't noticed yet. In fact, they didn't really seem like they were paying any attention to anything but their argument. Xavier tried his best to force down any building panic, trying instead to think through the moments leading up to them appearing on the Isle. Panicking wouldn't help them right now. 

Well, panicking more.

They were in the library and Jay had come in. Then Aziz had showed up and told him that Jordan was pissed.

She was pissed because Jay swiped her lamp. 

The same lamp that Mal had in her lamp and was rubbing.

"Guys, I know how to get out of here!" Xavier exclaimed, grabbing the pairs' attention.

"You do?" Mal asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow.

"Jay, you swiped Jordan's lamp," Xavier said, glancing at his boyfriend. 

"Are you mad about that?" Jay asked, "Xavier, there are bigger things to worry about right now-"

"You gave it to Mal," Xavier continued, ignoring him, "You gave it to her, and she was rubbing it."

"I brushed my fingers against it," Mal said, eyeing him, "I'd hardly call that rubbing."

"Yeah, I don't think the lamp can tell the difference," Xavier said, rolling his eyes, "You put it on the table, and you made a wish."

"Not intentionally-"

"A wish is a wish," He insisted, "That's why you have to be careful when you have a genie."

"So what, Mal just has to wish us off the Isle?" Jay asked, his posture noticeably relaxing a bit, "Great so, we're in the clear."

"Would it even work?" Mal asked, "Magic doesn't work on the Isle."

"Jordan is outside the barrier," Jay said, "It should work."

"We aren't outside the barrier," Mal snapped, "It probably won't."

"No," Xavier mumbled, seemingly lost in thought, "No the barrier can't block out magic entirely. That's not possible."

"All due respect, Xavier, we were raised here," Mal snapped, "You weren't."

"You're right, I wasn't raised here," Xavier said, staring back at her, "Which is why I have a better understanding of magic than either of you do."

"Excuse me?" Mal asked, trying to step closer to Xavier, only to be stopped very quickly by Jay grabbing her arm.

It wasn't Xavier's smartest move. He was aware that Mal liked to think she knew the most, magic-wise. He was sure that statement was going to piss her off.

"Xavier, you should probably get to the point," Jay said, giving his boyfriend a warning look before he pulled Mal back, "Mal's patience isn't going to last."

"Magic can't be purged from a place," He said, taking a step back from Mal, "It can be nullified, but not removed entirely. If you had a basic understanding of it, you'd know that."

"And how do you know this for sure?" Mal asked him, jerking away from Jay and stepping closer, "You were raised in Auradon, Djin."

"That's why we sent my brother here," Xavier snapped, his gaze shifting to another wall, not wanting to look at either of them, "His magic was too unstable, and we knew sending him here would keep it better in line. If there was a way to get rid of it completely, that's what we would have done."

"Your brother?" Jay asked, "You have a brother?"

"You're family put your brother on the Isle?" Mal followed up.

"That's not what you should be focusing on," Xavier snapped, a harshness in his tone that neither of them had heard before, "Mal, all you have to do is wish us off the Isle, and we'll be in the clear. We'll be back in Auradon and Jordan's going to be pissed, but it's better than dying here."

"You heard him, Mal, wish us off," Jay said, turning to the fae.

"We don't know if it'll actually work," Mal snapped at him, "Are you just going to take his word on this because he's your current boy toy? He doesn't know anything about this place." 

"I'm taking his word on this because he actually knows magic," Jay snapped, "You've only had your spell book for what? A month? That's not even the kind of magic he's talking about."

"You know as well as I do that not even genie magic is going to work here," She said, glaring at him, "If it did, I'm sure your dad would have hurt you a lot worse."

"So what, you're just not going to try?"

"I'm trying to keep this realistic, Jay. We need some kind of backup plan when it doesn't work."


"You don't actually think that stupid Djin is right, do you?"

Xavier glanced back at where Aziz was on the bed, looking towards him for some kind of help in stopping their argument. Or, at least, Xavier looked over at where Aziz would have been. Instead, he saw an empty space, finally noticing the empty window. 

"Jay?" Xavier called, trying to catch their attention, the panic bubbling back up inside him as his thoughts raced. 

Where had he gone? How long had it been since he slipped away? How did he not notice?

He was right next to him. How did he not notice Aziz leave?

"Xavier, not right now," Jay said, not sparing him a glance.

"Jay, where's Aziz?" Xavier asked, ignoring his boyfriend.

That caught his attention rather quickly, his head turning quickly and taking in the empty space. There was a panic somewhere behind his eyes that Jay did a much better job hiding than him. As the open window and the lack of his brother set in, Xavier could notice a kind of anger slip into his gaze.

"If I'm going to make this wish, I'm pretty sure we need all of us here," Mal said, looking at Jay.

"I'll go find him," Jay said, approaching the door, "Xavier stay put here-"

"Bring him with you," Mal said, leaning against the wall.

"What?" Jay asked, turning to face her, "You're kidding, right?"

"You're the one who said you don't trust me with him right now."

"Not with how angry you are."

Xavier eyed the two carefully. When had Mal said that? She was mad?

"Then it's settled," Mal said with a shrug, "He goes with you."

"He'll get hurt," Jay snapped.

"He'll be able to help you find Aziz," Mal said, walking over to Xavier and putting her hands on his shoulders, "You should probably hurry up before you find your brother dead in a ditch."

Alright, so here is the explanation of magic, in my canon at least. Magic can't be eradicated from a person. The way the rules work here is that everyone is capable of doing magic, however some have a greater potential to actually use it. These people consist of the Fae, witches, and of course Genies. While everyone else can still use it, things such as wands would be needed in order to assist or channel the energy.

Those who have powerful magic potential, such as genies, can transfer the power to someone else. This doesn't necessarily mean making someone a genie, it means more of transferring the magic itself to someone else. This is usually done via a potion.

The person on the receiving end usually have their own risks to worry about. The main one being, having to deal with a freshly transferred, now unstable magical ability that they can't control. 

If there are any questions, please feel free to ask, I'd love to answer them!

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