5 months Later

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"Is Jay alright?" Evie asked, pointing her pen at him, looking up from her design sketch. 

"He's been like that all week," Carlos said, rolling his eyes.

"Has he told you why?" Evie asked, tilting her head at him.

Jay was lying on his back on Mal's bed, his gaze locked on the ceiling, phone in hand seemingly waiting for something.

"Nope," Carlos muttered, coming closer and badly whispering to her, "If I had to guess though, Aziz is coming back, and he's been moody ever since his breakup-"

"I can hear you."

Jay lifted his head, raising an unimpressed eyebrow at the two of them. Carlos wasn't exactly wrong though. His brother coming back to Auradon was keeping his mind pretty busy.

"You know if you miss Xavier you could always just talk to him," Evie commented, clinging to the last bit that Carlos said, "You don't have to avoid him like he's the plague."

"I'm not the one who's avoiding him here," Jay said, rolling his eyes.

He wasn't avoiding him. He just conveniently had somewhere else to be whenever him and Xavier were in the same room. They were both just really busy. Xavier had his royal advisor stuff happening and Jay had... homework. And tourney. 

"I still can't believe that you actually broke up with him," Mal commented from her spot on Evie's bed, "And you cut contact entirely, which you didn't need to do."

"It's better for both of us," Jay snapped, "and besides he seems relatively unbothered by the whole thing. He's too busy to be upset by it."

"That's not what Ben says," Mal responded with an eye roll.

Jay knew that. Ben had talked to him about it too, Xavier drowning himself in his work for days at a time, refusing to speak to anyone. Not like Jay could blame him, he lost his boyfriend and his best friend in the span of an hour and a half. Ben had tried to get Jay to at least talk to Xavier again, but Jay couldn't seem to bring himself to do it. The pain in his eyes when they broke up was too much to deal with from him.

"Why did you two break up anyway?" Evie asked, almost absentmindedly as she turned back to her Cotillion dress design, "You two were so happy together."

"Yeah, Jay I wanna know too," Carlos said, "You never told us."

"Xavier's sister threatened him," Mal told him before Jay could say anything, "And he actually left him-"

"It's been months Mal," Jay snapped, cutting her off, an anger lacing his voice, "Five months, we don't need to keep coming back to it."

"Did you even tell him why you left him?" Mal asked him as Evie and Carlos looked between the pair.

"It's been 5 months," He said simply, "It's been 5 months. No need to open old wounds."

"How about Aziz?" Carlos cut in, trying to reduce the tension that formed, "He's coming back in two days, how's Jesna feeling about it? How are you feeling about it." 

"Jesna's excited," Jay responded after a deep breath, "She's thrilled to see him again, and I'm just happy he's out."

"So did they ever figure out what happened?" Evie asked, tilting his head, "I mean, he used magic. I didn't even know he had magic."

"I didn't know either," Jay mumbled. 

Aziz told him flat out that he didn't have magic when he talked about his dreams, but there was always a chance he had lied. Considering everything that he went through, Jay couldn't blame him if he was lying and hiding it. But he looked equally confused and surprised as the rest of him and if he had it the entire time, it wouldn't have exploded out of him like it did, he wouldn't have passed out-

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