You are exactly like Ambrose

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Xavier's POV

I was walking down the hall when Fairy Godmother's daughter, Jane, rushed up to me.

"Hey Jane what's up?" I asked

"I have to give this to my mom but I don't want to be alone so could you please, please, please, please come with me?" Jane asked

"Yeah of course. I was just heading there anyway." I told her walking with her

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She exclaimed giving me a hug.

I laughed a bit and we made our way down the hall. When we got there Fairy Godmother was asking them questions.

"If you find a crying baby do you A) Curse it? B) Lock it in a tower or C) Give it a bottle?" she asked

No one answered so Fairy Godmother did what every teacher on earth does. She called out someone randomly. I swear that should count as an evil deed.

"Mal what about you?" She asked

"C) Give it a bottle." Mal answered

"Correct. Again." Fairy Godmother told her turning back to the black board.

"Dang girl you are on fire!" Jay exclaimed

"Just choose the one that doesn't sound like any fun." Mal told them

"Oh." Carlos mumbled

"That makes so much more sense." Evie mumbled

I nudged Jane foreword and she speed walked over.

"Oh hello child everyone you know my daughter Jane." Fairy Godmother introduced to the VK's

"Mom!" jane exclaimed

"it's ok jane." her mother told her

"Don't mind me. Good day." Jane said after she got her mother to sign the paper and run out

When she got out of the room she bolted down the hallway and I waited out of view of the class. A few minutes later the bell rang and the VK's rushed out. Jay spotted me and grabbed my shoulder making me jump twenty feet. I yelped and turned around.

"aw that sounded so cute." he teased

"You said that you could help me?" I said ignoring him

"Yeah follow me." He told me leading me to his room.

When we got there he pulled me inside and shut the door behind us. I watched him as he made his way over to his bed side and pulled out my lamp.

"YOU STOLE IT?!" I yelled

"Well this was such a good score I couldn't resist." he told me pulling it away as I tried to grab it.

"Give. It. back." I growled

"now don't go getting demanding." He told me grabbing my hand when I tried to grab it again.

"What do you want from me?" I asked tying to jerk my hand away

"I wonder what would happen if I rubbed this." He wondered holding it just out of my reach.

"Wait don't-!" I exclaimed as he started to rub it

The golden cuffs around my wrists started to glow.

"So it does work..." He mumbled taking my wrists.

"Rules are the same as my dads so I trust you know them." I told him pulling away

"So is it true that you actually have to obey me?" He asked

"That's only true for certain Genies." I told him glaring.

"and what are you?" He asked leaning against the bed frame

"I'm one of the genies that has to obey." I mumbled

"Well in that case You won't tell anyone about this understood?" He asked

I nodded and he smirked.

"Your exactly like Ambrose." I told him walking out of the room.

Jay grabbed my arm and handed me my lamp. I gave him a confused look.

"who's Ambrose?" He asked

"I-... No one." I told him

"are you sure about that?" He asked

I nodded biting my lip and looking away. He let go of my arm and went over to his dorm. When I got back to mine Aziz wasn't here. I sat on my bed contemplating what just happened. The door rattled and I jumped up and threw my lamp under my lamp and pretended to look for it.

"Hey Avier." He greeted walking in.

"Hey." I mumbled reaching under the bed and grabbing my lamp.

"YES!!" I exclaimed flakily.

"Did you find it?" He asked crouching next to me

I nodded and pulled it out.


I nodded. He groaned and fell back onto his bed. I laughed a bit and sat next to him on his bed. He glared at me and pushed me playfully. Thank god he hasn't asked me about Jay. we heard a knock on the door and looked at each other. I opened the door and was met with a smirking face.


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