Episode 2 Those Boots Are Dirty

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Scene: with the Scions is was only a matter of time before they found out that the Mylan's were under attack. The Scions are an advanced Squadron and Platoon that was scouting the area as they had heard reports of Eos sightings. They mentioned the fact that they were gathering more supplies in the area as they marked on their location visors that they were wearing. They Mylans didnt know what to do and were not prepared for the vast number of Eos that were in the area when they got there. No one would ever think to come out to the parts where the Mylans were headed. They were heading towards the eastern region where theres more tranquil land and sometimes ample sunshine. Though they wouldn't dare try to place any guards there after what happened over 3 months ago. 3 months ago the Mylans made it their mission to set up camps in the far east. This way they could meet the Knights Of Avingar who were rapidly advancing in that area as well. The Mylans are a small platoon of only 14 personel. Their head captin's name is Siaden he is only 41 and most of his crew are younger and very unexperience combatants. There were no longer any moments to spare and the most that they could do was to get together and plan for their next attack within the area. It was very marshy and wet the forest seemed like an endless maze of nothing but lush terrain. Sunlight barely reaches them with the towering trees. The Emonji were already closing in on them and Siaden was back tracking to see where he and his team could find refuge.

Siaden: this is just great with all of these passage ways theres not much we can do to see exactly where we are going.

Scene: Hakuzen goes over towards his captain Siaden and begins to pull out his reports and findings that they have accomplished so far.

Hakuzen: we have only gotten 17% of the excavation done in this area.

Scene: Hakuzen hands the reports list on a digital clipboard that had many cyberpunkish designs and bright colors on it. Its black and it lights up really bright similar to that of an led light but far more advanced than that.
Siaden looks at the report list that Hakuzen hands to him.

Siaden: hmmm so what about Arthiel and Suigetsu? Did they not know to take the Edrakun to station B like I asked.

Scene: Hakuzen had a puzzled look on his face its as if there wasnt much to be done about the situation. Suigetsu then goes up to Siaden

Suigetsu: well I can explain captain.

Scene: Arthiel goes up to Siaden as well.

Arthiel: It seems that there is some unknown combatants within The crossroads between the southern and east sectors.

Scene: Siaden sees the report and notices that its way too far away for them to be concerned about due to that there are only 2 divisions on duty that are close by.

Siaden: dont worry about. What says about station A?

Arthiel: the Mylans have reached it well they have well it seems that they have went a bit further than the perimeters that we have set up so far.

Siaden: Uh hmmm

Suigetsu: Ill tell you this but Hakuzen did his very best back there and saved us time on keeping the perimeters safe.

Siaden: Thats correct we maintain the perimeters of station A and B at 100% at all times.

Scene: The Scions plan is to only keep 2 areas completely safe outta harms way due the land scaping of the large marshy foresty area. Station A and B are the 2 areas closest together within the perimeters that they set up. They use this strategy of guarding the 2 inner gates with extreme measures and precautions. Station C is only slighty further almost towards the outskirts of the perimeters that they set up. Its like a complete 360 degree circular area space and its easier for them to protect stations A and B and set up from those 2 points. They have had their stations set up for more than 5 months. The Mylans and Scions were both taking the chance to do something about their perimeters being closed in. Its so much as they couldn't work properly on advancing. There was so much wreckage and debris from the olden times that it would take them more than another century to excavate explore and clear up all of the devastation. Not much could be done only that majority of the Scions worked really diligently on making preparations. Their perimeters mechanism was the best out of any platoon in the region and they made sure to handle things more effectively when they teamed up and divided the work amongst their platoon mates. If it was up to the Scions they would have made it their mission to clear more path though the eos would be on their tails keeping them from being one step ahead. The Scions had 72 soldiers in their platoon. They guarded their perimeters with 6 Edrakun's and 12 soilders per Edrakun set up in each station (Station A) had 2 Edrakuns guarding one side of their perimeter, Station B had 3 Edrakun s guarding the left side and Station C had 1 Edrakun guarding the right side of the perimeter. They did this in order to set a sealing trap for the Eos that would come into contact within their perimeter gates which were made with phironium and could guard against some eos attacks. They placed magic seals on their Edrakuns to activate this effect. This is activated if the eos threat is far greater than their Edrakuns defenses could handle. The E-Assault cannons and turrets were all set up in the hexagonal perimeter to keep the eos away from their main excavation point at station C. The Scions defensive mechanism worked within the algorithm of their structure made by the 6 Edrakuns that they had placed in the hexagonal perimeter formation.

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