Episode 12 The Provisional Training Program

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Scene: based off of what Aiko and Neiko knows about Rosa and her teamates Inori and Kyuya is that they are the real deal. They are a 3 man squad that was apart of the provisional training programs mission that help build the entire facility itself. They have the advantage in the tournament and their team has made it to the finals just like Aiko and Neiko. Aiko knows that facing off against Kyuya and Inori is not gonna be a run of the mill fight. Inori is gonna go heavy weapons using a very wide double edged battle axe. Kyuya is very powerful in her hand to hand strikes. The tournament is about to begin in less than 5 days and Neiko is keeping his 2 short swords that he uses instead of his 1 dagger due to he's completely changed his fighting style due to the upcoming tournament. Aiko goes out of her home to grad something to eat and as she's walking down the narrow streets of her hometown in Avingar she noticed an old tanned skin old man with long grey hair and with just a small streak of red on his front bangs. He was dressed in all white with a long white cloak and he basically was struggling to walk with his staff in his hand and he fell to his knees Aiko quickly rushed in and grabs him. Aiko carries him immediately back to her house and she calls Neiko over to come and heal this random wounded old man. The man has 12 stab wounds bleeding out on his sides and his back and one on his chest as well. The old man then tells Aiko and Neiko that his name is Trizo and that hes from another world and that his world had been destroyed by these creatures that hes never seen before. As the 88 year old man named Trizo was telling them of his story of how he escaped and survived Trizo then passes out into what Aiko thought was a coma. Aiko and Neiko did everything that they could to treat his wounds though they believed that the only way to save him was to put him in cryogenic stasis at the Avingar Institute where they have a stable lab to put his body in. Turns out that Trizo had passed away as he had talked with Aiko and Neiko. Aiko and Neiko then prepared to have a ceremony for Trizo just like they had when Kyuya's parents had dies 17 years ago on the battlefield. Trizo was the first person that they had ever seen that came from another world and the intel that they had gathered from him before he died was very useful. The Eos had claimed another world and the Avingar soldiers were on alert due to a small Eos attack had happened right after Trizo's death. Aiko and Neiko still had to prepare themselves later for the training tournament and they took care of the small scale Eos attack. Aiko had finally made her way to doing more things for her new squad 3 years later after Trizo's death. Until next time the series of Aiko continues in the upcoming book series called Recconaincance Of The Reckoning. We will see you again soon!!

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