Chapter 4

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Eddie POV:

My phone started ringing in my pocket. We all broke apart from the hug and I answered it. It was Mrs. Prescott. Huh... Weird.

M: Mrs. Prescott (Mom) E: Eddie

E: Hello?

M: Hello, is this Eddie Anthony Ramirez? (Edit: I changed Eddie's last name from Anderson (Gabby's last name) to Anthony Ramirez for easter eggs, and since I found better fake last names for him)?

E: Yeah, do you need something?

M: Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that we found another gardener so we're letting you go.

E: So, you're firing me?

Everyone else looked at me surprised when I asked that.

M: Yes, pretty much. Also, have you seen my sons? They ran away from home last night.

Hiro and Reekid overheard their mom, Reekid looked super pale. He held onto Hiro tightly. "It's Ok Reekid, we won't go back to them." He reassured him.

E: Ok, Mrs. Prescott, I'm gonna be brutally honest with you. I saw you punch Hiro in the face yesterday. I left something in the garden, and I witnessed everything. And for the record: I'm the one that called the police on you. NOT Hiro or Reekid.

M: What!? What the hell are you talking about?

E: Don't lie. I know what you did to those kids. You ABUSED those kids! Hurt them, starved them, overworked them! I honestly can't blame them for running away!


Hiro and Reekid looked at me with scared eyes.

E: I don't know, but I found them on the street, and they told me everything. They're probably still in the city if you're lucky.

Mrs. Prescott suddenly hung up on me, so I put my phone back in my pocket. Hiro and Reekid hugged me again. "Thank you so much Eddie!" Reekid cried into my arms. "Hey, no problem. I wasn't gonna let you guys go back to them." I responded. Gabby joined us in the hug once again. Then we heard a knock at the door...

And that my Cinnamon Rolls is... Sike! Y'all thought I waa gonna have a cliffhanger here. Nah, let's get back to it.

"I'll get it!" I announced as I walked to the door. It was Josh, Mully, Kristy, and Narrator. "Oh hey guys!" "Hey Eddie!" They all greeted. Everyone came in and sat down in the living room.

Mully POV:

Eddie let us in and we all sat down in the living room. 2 young boys came in from the kitchen that I had never seen before. One had (Y/h/c) hair and had a bunch of bandages on his arm, face, and just about everywhere else. While the other had long blonde hair, and he was hiding behind the other boy. "Uh, who are you guys?" I asked them. "I-I'm Hiro." The one with the (Y/h/c) hair introduced himself. "A-And I'm R-Reekid." The other boy spoke up. "Not sure if you've heard of them, but we're the Prescott's kids." Hiro revealed. "Oh, the super rich people?" Narrator asked them. "Yeah... Them." Hiro answered. "Wait, didn't Eddie just get a job working as a gardener for them?" Josh asked them. "Yeah... But..." Hiro started, but then he looked at Eddie, and he nodded. "But, they just fired him a few minutes ago." Hiro admitted. "What! Why?" Kristy asked. "They said that they found another gardener, Apparently." Eddie explained.

We suddenly heard a knock at the door. "I got it." Eddie declared.

Eddie POV:

I opened the door to see a girl there, she was a little older than Hiro and Reekid. "Uh... Hello, who are you?" I asked her. "Oh hey Eddie, I'm Regina, I'm the Prescott's daughter." She introduced herself, before we shook hands. I was scared for Hiro and Reekid. What if their parents sent her to look for them? "I wanted to apologize for my parents firing you out of no where. I overheard them say that poor Hiro and Reekid were gonna do the gardening again." She explained, looking down. "Hold on, your mom told me they found another- wait, is that why she asked if I saw them?" I asked her. "Yeah, they told me they ran away. I can't blame them, but I'm worried about them." Regina explained. "But mom said that you saw them on the streets, right?" She asked me. "Uh... Umm..." I stuttered.

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