Chapter 10

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Regina POV:

I've been hiding in my room for hours. It's been quiet for quite a while now. I'm too scared to leave the room, but I guess I need to go downstairs to get some food. I quietly unlocked my door and slowly opened it so I wouldn't make any noise. I looked around and couldn't find anyone. I tiptoed into the hallway and by my parents' door. I guess they're asleep again. I tiptoed down the stairs and grabbed some snacks and drinks. A whole bunch of them, just incase if I needed to barricade myself in my room again. Oh, and by the way, I have my own bathroom, if you're curious.

I got a bunch of food and went back to my room. I locked the door again and laid on my bed. I really hope they just sleep until they go back to work again.

Reekid POV:

Hiro and I were at Narrator and Josh's house. "What were you guys doing before you got here?" Josh asked us. "We were all playing this game on this screen with lots of buttons where you hit a ball and try to get it in a hole in as few tries as possible." I said. They all looked confused. "What was it called again? Oh yeah! Mini golf! We were playing on some laptops." Hiro said. "Ohhhhh." Everyone said. "I guess you didn't get out much at your old house?" Narrator asked. "No, our parents just made us do all the housework our entire lives. They just hated us, and they never let us go outside of the property." Hiro said. "Josh and Narrator came over and hugged us. "I'm so sorry honey bunches." Narrator said. "No kid should ever have to live like that." Josh said. "It's alright. We live with Eddie and Gabby now. And we've never been happier." Hiro said.

"So you guys were playing mini golf on the computer, right?" Narrator asked. "On the laptop thingys? Yeah... Why?" I asked. "You know, Mini Golf is an actual game in real life." He told us. "IT'S AN ACTUAL THING?!" Hiro and I asked. "Yep! You guys wanna go mini golfing?" Narrator asked. "HECK YEAH! LEZZ GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I yelled out. Hiro was dying of laughter at how hyper and energenic I was being. "Alright, let's go!" Mully said.

We all got in the car and went to the mini golf course. We got to Can Can Wonderland (never been there, and Idk where it is located), and it has to be the most insane mini golf course I've ever seen! But then again, we've only played mini golf on the... Computer? Yeah, on the computer once.

(Mini Golf course I'm using)

We got our golf balls and... Oh, they're called putters, and we headed to the first hole. It had a spinny wheel with buckets on it, which was pretty cool! Anywho, Hiro went first. He set the ball on the ground and hit the ball. It ended up going on the spinny wheel and it went down this hill and near the hole. "Good Job, Hiro." I said. "Thanks, Buddy!" Hiro said and patted me on the head. It was my turn now, so I hit the ball and it went through the course. I ended up getting a hole in one! "HOLE IN ONE!" I shouted out excitedly. Everyone else took their turns through out the course.

-Time skip to after the game brought to you by Floppy Monkey-

We finished our game of Mini Golf, and Narrator won. Then Kristy, Me, Josh, and Hiro came after him, With Mully coming in last. "Dang it, I came in last." Mully said. "It's Ok Mully, you did good." Josh said and patted his back. "Oh, you guys wanna get some dinner?" Kristy asked. "Oh sure! Where at?" I asked. "How about (restaurant of choice)?" Josh asked. "Sure, what about you guys?" Hiro asked. "I love that place!" Narrator said. "Me too!" Mully and Kristy said. So we left Can Can Wonderland and went to (restaurant of choice).

Josh POV:

We got to the restaurant and sat down. We ordered our food and waited for it to come to our table. "So... What should we talk about?" I asked. "Um... How do you kids feel about staying with us for a while?" Narrator asked Hiro and Reekid. "Pretty comfortable. I mean, you and Josh are like our 2nd and 3rd dads." Hiro said. Narrator and I started noticably blushing. "We're... Like Your dads?" Narrator asked. "Yeah, I mean, you guys are also like father figures for us." Reekid said. "Well, I'm glad you feel that way." I said.

Out the corner of my eye, I noticed Ayden, Swagger, and Gaege on the other side of the restaurant together. I nudged Narrator in the arm and looked back to our friends over there. He seemed to notice what I was looking at. Everyone else was wondering what we were looking at. "Gaege, Ayden, and Swagger are over there." I said. They looked over in their direction and understood. Suddenly, Gaege, Ayden, and Swagger kissed each other. We all had the same shocked look on our faces. "I didn't know they were together!" Mully said. "Me neither." I responded. "Maybe they just got together recently?" Kristy suggested. "Possibly. Should we go see them?" Narrator asked. We left our table and went over to the others.

Ayden POV:

Gaege, Swagger, and I were on a dinner date at (restaurant of choice). "I love ya guys." I said. "I love ya guys too." Swagger said. "I love you guys so much." Gaege said and we kissed each other.

A minute later, we saw Josh, Mully, Narrator, Kristy, Hiro, and Reekid coming over. "Hey guys!" Josh said. "Oh, h-hey guys. We didn't expect to see you here." I said. "Neither did we." Everyone else said. "You wanna come with us back to our table?" Narrator asked. "Sure guys, Swagger, Gaege, Is that ok with you?" Ayden asked us. We all agreed to go with the others and we headed to their table.

"Do you think they saw us kiss?" I whispered to Ayden and Swagger. "I hope not." Swagger whispered back. "We saw you guys kiss." Josh told us, and we all looked at him. I swear, I couldn't breathe. What if he doesn't like all 3 of us dating?! What if they don't want to be friends with us anymore?! "What-What are you talking about?" Swagger asked Josh. "Nothing wrong with you 3 dating, just that we never knew, that's all." Josh said. "Y-you-you mean it?" Ayden asked him. "Of course! I mean, there's nothing wrong with 3 of you being together." Josh responded. "Oh thank God." I said as I could finally breathe and held my chest.

We got to the other's table and sat down. "So how long have you 3 been together? If you don't mind me asking." Narrator asked. "About a month." Ayden told them. They all nodded. "We weren't sure how or when to tell you we were together though. We were afraid of how you guys would react." I said. "Hey, it's ok. It's not always easy to admit that you guys are polyamorous. And we'll always support you and be happy for you no matter what." Mully said. "Thanks guys, you're the best!" I said. Our food came over and we enjoyed our dinner together.

-Time skip to after dinner brought to you by the No No Zone-

Narrator POV:

We finished our dinner and we left the restaurant. Josh wanted to hold my hand on the way out, so I let him. I love being able to hold his hand. But I just wanna hug and cuddle with my smol bean.

We all got home and Josh had fell asleep in the car. Everyone got out and I carried Josh bridal style into the house. I led the kids to their guest room and they went into their room. I took Josh into his room.

(Maybe not the best, but it'll do)

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(Maybe not the best, but it'll do)

I brought him to the bed and tucked him in. "Night Night Josh. Sleep tight." I said as I gently stroked his hair. I turned around to go to my room when I felt Josh gently grab my hand. "No... Stay with me..." Josh said sleepily. "Ok honey bunch, I'll stay with you." I told him. "Yay!" He said excitedly, but still sleepily. I got under the covers with him, and I held my smol bean in my arms. He fell back asleep, and I fell asleep peacefully too.

And that my Cinnamon Rolls is Chapter 10 of My Hiro. I hope you liked it, and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!

My Hiro (The Boys X Male OC/Reader) (Eddie X Reader Father Figure)Where stories live. Discover now