Chapter 5

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Hiro POV:

We all hung out with Eddie's friends all day, and they're great people! They also told us how they were YouTubers, whatever that means.

"Hey Hiro, Reekid, you know what YouTube is?" Eddie asked us. "What's that?" Reekid and I asked him. Everyone else looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces. They explained what it was. I guess with us not being allowed to have cell phones, or use the Magic Search thingy, or was it the internet? ...Yeah, internet. It kinda made sense how neither Reekid or I knew what it was.

"Not to be rude, but is that how you can afford this place?" I asked Eddie, and he nodded. "Well, I guess that makes sense. I mean, I don't think you could even get a house with only a weekend gardening job." I told him and Eddie chuckled. "Yeah, you're right." Eddie responded.

It was getting late, so everyone else went back home. Reekid fell asleep on the couch, so I picked him up bridal style and tucked him in. "Night Reekid, I love ya, little man." I told him before leaving the room.

I noticed Eddie and Gabby were still up, so I went to their room and knocked on the door. It was open, but I wanted to make sure I was allowed to come in. "Come in!" Gabby responded, so I walked in. "Oh, hey guys." "Hey Hiro, what's up?" Eddie asked. "I-I wanted to thank you again, for letting Reekid and I live here now." I told them shyly. "You're welcome kiddo!" Eddie replied. "Yeah, we weren't gonna let you two be homeless." Gabby chimed in. I nodded in response. "Well, thank you again, good night guys!" "Night Hiro!" They both responded, and I went to my room to go to sleep.

Josh POV:

We all got home. Mully and Kristy went to go get ready for bed. Narrator and I went into the kitchen to get water. "So... How have things been?" Narrator asked me. "I'm alright, but I've noticed that Kristy has still been pretty depressed lately. But then again, her ex girlfriend did cheat on her." I answered (Just for the story, my cinnamon rolls). "Yeah, I can't blame her, but I hope she feels better soon." Narrator added. "Hopefully. Maybe we could take her out shopping or something to cheer her up." I suggested. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Narrator responded. "And maybe we can have Eddie and Gabby take the kids out too." "Yeah, so they can go clothes shopping and such, and maybe get them their own VR headsets." I suggested. "Good idea!" Narrator responded.

We finished up our water and we headed upstairs to go to bed. Mully and Kristy were already asleep. "Good night, honey bunch." Narrator told me while patting my head. "Night Narrator." I responded. I went to my room, getting into bed, going to sleep.

*The Next Morning*

Gabby POV:

Josh, Narrator and Kristy were heading to the mall today (Mully wanted to stay home to unpack). They invited us too, and we all agreed to go. It would be a good time to get more clothes and stuff for the boys. I got some cereal for breakfast and we all ate at the dining room table.

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My Hiro (The Boys X Male OC/Reader) (Eddie X Reader Father Figure)Where stories live. Discover now