Chapter 9

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Narrator POV:

Kristy was still chasing after Josh, and it didn't look like they were gonna stop anytime soon. "You take it back, Joshy!" Kristy yelled playfully. "Naaaaoooo!" Josh yelled back. "So... You wanna make a video while they're running around?" Mully asked me. "Sure, honey bunch." I told him, and we went in our recording rooms.

*A few minutes later*

Josh POV:

Kristy kept chasing me after I teased her about liking Regina. "I'm gonna get you!" Kristy yelled playfully. "Oh no you're not!" I yelled back and laughed. Kristy jumped on my back and hugged me. "Gotchu Joshy!" She said playfully. "Ok, you got me." I said and laughed. "Um... Where'd Mully and Narrator go?" I asked her. "Not sure, maybe they're recording?" Kristy asked me. "Maybe, we'll check their recording rooms." I said. We went over to their recording rooms and heard talking. "Yep, they're in there." Kristy said. "Well in the mean time, do you wanna go on VRChat?" I asked her. "Sure Joshy!" She said and we also went into our recording rooms.


Regina POV:

I just got home to find that my parents weren't here. Maybe they're at work or something? Anyway, I noticed some dishes in the sink. "Yes! Dish duty to myself!" I said and got the dishes washed, it's really calming and satisfying, not gonna lie. I put the last dish away, and headed to my room.

What do I tell my parents about me having Eddie's phone number and address? I mean, I'm sure Eddie and Gabby got it handled, but I don't know

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What do I tell my parents about me having Eddie's phone number and address? I mean, I'm sure Eddie and Gabby got it handled, but I don't know. I gotta figure something out, Reekid and Hiro are the most important beings in my family, and I have to keep them safe from my parents.


My parents got back home. They came inside and I went downstairs to see them. "Hello Regina, sweetie!" Mom said. "Hey Mom, Hey Dad." I said. "Hey pumpkin, how are you?" Dad asked me. "I'm ok, but why are you acting so sweet all of a sudden? Like you were mad at me this morning, and you said you went over to Eddie's house earlier, and now you're acting like nothing happened." I told them. "Well, you weren't telling us where you were earlier, and now we know you're home and safe." Mom said. "And we wanted to know why you had Eddie's number and address." Dad said.

"Ok, I'm just gonna be brutally honest with you. I just wanted to apologize to Eddie for him being fired out of nowhere. And I also wanted to ask him if he seen Hiro and Reekid anywhere." I said. "So I went over to his house to apologize to him. That's why I had his address." I told them. "But why did you have his phone number?" Mom asked me. "Incase if he wasn't home, so I could apologize over the phone." I said.

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