Chapter 13

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Hiro POV:

We got back home and crashed in the living room.

We got back home and crashed in the living room

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And by home, I mean Eddie and Gabby's house. "So..." I said. "We're officially your parents." Gabby said with a bright smile. "Yes, yes you guys are." Reekid said. "Oh! That reminds me!" Eddie said and looked at Gabby. He winked and Gabby looked like she remembered something. "Umm... What is it, Dad?" I asked. "It's a surprise." He said. "Now close your eyes, while we go get it." Gabby said. Reekid and I closed our eyes. We heard footsteps walking away, and eventually fade out.

A minute or so later, we heard the foot steps come back. "Ok guys, you can open your eyes now." Eddie said. And he was holding a big plastic thingy in front of me. Gabby was doing the same with Reekid. "Um... What's this thingy?" I asked while I took it in my hands. "Wow, I guess we got a lot to teach you boys." Gabby said and chuckled. "They're VR headsets. So now you came play games and make videos with us." Eddie said. We hugged then both at the same time. "Thank you guys so much! I love you!" I said. "Me too! Thanks Mom and Dad!" Reekid said. "You're welcome kiddos." They both said.

Eddie's phone suddenly started ringing. "Oh, sorry guys." He picked up his phone. "Oh, It's Regina!" He said and answered the phone. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey Eddie! I got a serious question for you guys...

-One week later-

Regina POV: I was chilling out in the front yard with my girlfriend, Kristy.

Regina POV: I was chilling out in the front yard with my girlfriend, Kristy

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Eddie's car pulled up the driveway, with Gabby, Hiro, and Reekid. "Hey guys!" I shouted out. "Hey Regina! Thanks for letting all of us move in with you!" Eddie said. "No problem! This house is way too big for just one person anyway." I said. For the record, I invited, not just Eddie, Gabby, Hiro, and Reekid to live here, but also all of their friends to live here too! And also my friend, Roxie. Hey, this mansion is HUGE!

Eddie POV:

"No problem! This house is way too big for just one person anyway." Regina told me. She just invited us, and all our friends to live here with her. So we all spent the past week packing everything and moving in here. We just got the last of our stuff brought here. We all grabbed a box and went in.

My Hiro (The Boys X Male OC/Reader) (Eddie X Reader Father Figure)Where stories live. Discover now