Here in this world i'm awaked with my mistakes.

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At this one moment everything is making my stomach twirl. The smell of the cars minty green car freshener. The flowery scent of her perfume. The cars movements felt worst then they were. Each small bump, felt like deep drops on a roller coaster. Each sound i heard through the closed windows, made my skin jump. This anxious feeling, made me want to puke. I felt a drop of sweat drop from my head. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to do anything that'll gain her attention.I didn't even want to be in this car. I slowly rose my hand to my head, slowly wiping away the sweat that drenched my forehead.

My eyes drifted towards the mirror. I caught her eyes. Her dark grey eyes. The darkness of her eyeshadow made her eyes even more hard to look at. They made me nervous. I felt a weight push up my throat. I forced it back down. I felt like i was going to pass out. I needed out. I needed to get out of here. I couldn't breathe. The car stop.

"Okay, look Levi are you ever going to talk to me again?" She questioned. There was hurt in her voice. I felt bad. It came back. The weight of all my emotions flowed back up my throat. I tried to push it back down, but gagged on my own sorrow. I forced the door open and everything slipping out of me. The fresh air became sometime new to me. I coughed on it's freshness. The smell of my own insides made me even more sick. I made me sick.

*Play song*

"Please don't tell Jojo." 

A tear slipped from my eye. My heart ached, my body shivered.


"'Levi, get off!"

A soft sob escaped my lips. My legs gained weakness.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Another sob bounced from my throat. 

"And don't you dare think you're going on your little wrapped tour."


I released more emotions, it all hitting the ground.

"A deal's a deal."

I tried my absoulute best to breathe, to relax. I couldn't.

"Levi are you okay?" Her hand touched my back.

I reached to touch his back. Just when he turned around. He had sorrow in his eyes. I sat up, and next to him. I kissed his lips. Our first kiss.

Our first kiss

Our first kiss

I couldn't take it anymore. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I sobbed. I quickly unbuckled the seat belt and ran out the door. I started to run down the street. I looked back at her. There were black lines streaming down her face. She was crying. Her body jumped as she sobbed my name. She did love me. 

 I saw everything......her perfection, it scared me...

I don't care, i'm leaving. I have nothing here. I'm nothing. Nobody needs a fuck up like me in their lives. No worries, i'm leaving. I won't come back. I swear. I ran past it. My life. Where i would sit for hours upon hours. Days and days. Cried about my life. Begged the man above for something i couldn't have. The park. I ran past it. I ran past my life.

This is not a cliffhanger, Just so you know. Gonna update soon. Just had this idea and needed to spit it out. Hope you like it.

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Thanks for 1500 reads, again! \m/>,<\m/ 

When you can't sleep at night - Of mice and men

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