Stay down here!

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HEY HEY! What about another Austin and Levi chapter? No? Too bad. lol i was gonna make the drama come this chapter but then i decided no...

sowwie so umm. ANOTHER Some what filter chapter. Just telling you where everyone is. (or levi and austin) And some jojo. 

Don't you just love jojo? 

I do. okay so ummm enjoy!!!!!!

Austin's P.O.V.

"Have you been practicing your breathing?"


"Breathe in....Now out. Good."

"How longer Doc-"

"Are you ready?" 

I shook my head, whatever's on that paper will determine my chance at life. If i needed this heart surgery, i would have to waste the next two months in the hospital, instead of rehersing. I don't wanna be here. I have too much to do, way too much. Her face went cold. Something went wrong.

"What? Tell me, please?"

"Look, don't worry okay?" She continued looking over the papers and reading carefully.

"Doctor Norla, what?" My face soaked with worry, I felt my body tense up and my weak heart beat, I didn't want to cry, but the way she read those papers i couldn't help but let a tear bulid up. It was ready to make a journey down my cheek at any moment. Right when i was about to snatch those papers out her hand she spoke. The tear escape. It had freedom, but what about me?

"Okay, Austin. It seems to be yet again another tear in your heart." My heart dropped, i mentally heard that tear rip apart and explode sending it's pieces shooting like mad in my stomach. My stomach wasn't liking this picture and begged for me to release these pieces. I hopped off the chair and next to her desk where the garbage laid. I opened my mouth and watched as all my hopes and dreams filled the can.

My head flushed with unwanted memories. Memories that will haunt my soul forever. Replaying over and over again. It's like a never ending movie. When you think the credits will roll, scene one starts once again. Her face. I saw it, but i couldn't grasp it. Her eyes, bright. Her smile, wide. Why?

Why are you smiling? Stop.

"I love you...."


She faded, Why did she leave me....again. This always happens. She comes back to break my heart again. I miss her. Bad.

I soon sobbed quietly over the can. The smell upsetting my stomach more. My throat burned of numbness, my hearts pace slowly returning to its normal speed.

"....When?" I spoke breaking the depressing sadness.

She walked to her desk, sitting on her chair. She shifted, wanting to see my face.

"When ever you're ready to sign for an appointment, Austin." Her hand circulating my upper back.

It wasn't was relaxing as it sounds. I opened up to release more unwanted fluids. I noticed a tissue next to my face. I grabbed it and wiped my filthy mouth.

Sitting up from the can i looked at her worried face. "Please, i want this to be over with already." I complained. I knew the procedure already. Hopefully this time all the tears will stay closed, and new ones won't form. I prayed that these artificial pieces will save me. No matter how much i missed my mom, i wasn't ready to see her yet. I'm not done here. 


Levi's P.O.V.

"Must i carry you alone, you're killing me"

What if I don't wanna fall? (Austin Carlile Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now