But you won't stop crying

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Nice long chapter for your wait!!! Thanks for reading!!!

"Think fast!" I yelled as I tossed a bag of red cups to Andy. They hit him. I laughed while he got scared by the small impact. "I said think fast." I picked them up, placing them on the table.

"What's up with the good mood?" Andy questioned. He gave me a weird look. "Like I said earlier, today is going to be a good day!" I grabbed his hands and started wiggling them around as I danced. "Nothing's ruining it!" He laughed, as I dropped his hands. "Well I'm happy for ya kiddo." He kissed my cheek.

We continued placing things out for our party. Nothing but the sounds of Austin's and Shays voice bouncing from the iPod stereo. After we finished making the park area we chose look decent, Andy broke the silence. "Hey where's Farrah?" He placed his hands on his hips. My mind traveled to this morning. "Oh she came to get Levi, but she never showed first period?" My good mood made me not even notice her absence. "I'll call her, see if she's still coming." I pulled out my phone.

"I'm telling you, those two have something going on." I tried to shake it off. "Heh, nah Levi goes out with Um Jo." I whispered. I found Farrah's number. "Mhm, that don't mean shit." Andy laughed. I tried my best to laugh along. She picked up. "I'll be back." I mouthed to Andy. He nodded, sitting down to text away.

I walked away from the music and Andy's ears. "Hey baby girl. How was it? Did you guys talk?" It was silent for a moment. So silent I thought she hung up. "Farrah?"

"No." She whispered. I became confused. I could of sworn on that drive to school, they would of at least shared a couple words. "Wait, what do you mean?" I bit my nail, anxiously waiting for an answer. She sighed. "Can we talk about this in person?" I soon ached with concern. "Y-yeah. Uh yo-you want me to come over?" I awaited a response, tapping my feet away.

"No. I'll be over there later." She tried to make her voice sound normal, but failed. "Oh, okay. Well I'll see you later then. Love y-" she hung up before I could finish. I just stared at my screen. Hoping she'd call back, and change her mind. To tell me everything now. Not leave me anxiously awaiting what she held.

Maybe Levi i'll spill the beans.

I crossed my fingers that he kept his phone on while in school.

After two rings it picked up. "Oh yes Levi, I-"

"The number you have dialed is no longer in service. Redial the number or try again."

"Fuck." I remembered mom broke his phone. "Now I really have to wait." I put my phone back in my pocket and walked to where Andy now stood with some more of our friends. "Hey guys! Ready to go fucking wild?!" I yelled.

I'm really hoping my good attitude remains this way. I really hope that whatever Farrah has to say doesn't ruin it. Fingers crossed.


Just walk in and say sorry Austin. That's all you gotta do. Say sorry. Ugh. I pushed the studio door open. Everyone's eyes immediately catching me. I Gave a small smile. I looked over at Shays equally bruised face. His just were taken care of.

"Yo dude! You don't know how to respond to a text, phone call, fucking email?" Alan yelled as he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him. "Sorry bro." He patted my back. "I'm not one to say that too." He whispered. He let go of me and signaled for the guys to leave with him.

"Starbucks guys?" He smiled "I'll bring you two something back." He closed the door with that.

I was about to opened my mouth when he popped in again "And no fighting." He said, shaking his finger at the both of us. I shook my head at him.

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