Forgive me, I made a big mistake

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 Levi's Point of view....

I'm sure every ones heard the expression; 'On cloud nine.' But have you actually danced on it? Have you felt the soft sponge like feeling of it on your toes? Has the sky ever turn colors right before your eyes? From light blue with white cloudy patches, to a orange nectar.

Sometimes if you want you could taste it, taste it's colors even. Feel it's vibrant glow. I could tell the difference between a dark minty pine tree, and a dark shallowly swamp, just from taste. Everything's beautiful in this world, everything taste good in this world.

It's a nice place, no one could, or would hurt you. If they did, you'd probably not mind too much. You learn to embrace the colors of your bruised skin. The way it swells, and throbs. The way it brightens and darkens under heavy pressure. The way it shows imperfection. Proof that you're human, proof that you fuck up for a reason.

Like most trap houses, there's leaders; the one who runs the building. Lookouts; the people who sit outside, and warn for the cops. Then there's people like me; the users, we pay for drugs the best way we can, and sit around with a look of pure happiness hiding a bunch of regret, depression, and guilt.

First time I came here, I didn't know anyone, I didn't have an money, and I was only looking for a place to crash with some booze. Bobby, she talked to me, she listened. She understood the neglect I was feeling at home. I remember telling her i'd crash in her room for a couple days before I went home. She replied with "you'll have to pay."

So I did. I slept with her every night, or every time she wanted it. The second night she came into the room. "Wanna play a game?" I was expecting her for some reason to pull out Monopoly or Jenga, or even a deck of cards for a game of slap jack. She had some syringes, and five vaccine capsules. "One of these has heroin in 'em, the other are filled with water."

I believed her until the first two syringes I placed in my thigh gave me a feeling way different then water. I became addicted.

I felt her rub her hands up and down my crouch. My high was still up and about, but I couldn't misplace her sexual acts. They were all too familiar. I grabbed her small hand. They were soft and delicate. Almost as if she never touched a drug in her life.

"I have money." I said, raising from her bed. I pulled my pants up. I handed her a twenty. She stared at me, as she crumbled the money between her fingers. "You don't have to.." She sounded agitated. I sighed. "Goodbye, Bobbie." I opened her door, and when i closed it she screamed in anger, then something crashed into the wall. 


Toby-Anne's Point of view...

When me and Levi were young, we would take baths together. My barbies would be on a summer vacation in the Bahamas, while Levi's soldiers reenacted the bombing at the Boston harbor. He always said he wish he was there, maybe it would of been different. I always sensed he'd be a hero one day.

Sometimes we would compare our similar birth marks. Like the discoloration spot we both have on our elbow. The freckle on our collar bone, and the small dot in between out middle and ring finger. Mom said we got those from dad. He had the same discoloration, same freckle, same small dot.

"You guys are his clones." She would smile. Then he'd walk through the door, we'd feel his heavy bag drop from upstairs. "Daddy!" Levi would scream, then he'd leap from the tub and run down stairs. I'd follow and we'd leave our soapy wet footprints down the hallway and steps.

"AH! You guys are soaked...and naked." He'd laugh. He had an amazing laugh.

"Anne, I'm leaving in a week, If you don't tell me what's wrong, i'm going to worry all tour." He whispered from under me. I reached behind me, and ran my soapy hand threw his wet hair. "I'm just still a little upset about the whole Levi thing." I stated.

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