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Chapter 2

Kai's POV:

The pilot spoke into the intercom, announcing that we've arrived in Venice, Italy. The city was absolutely astounding, the colors and fresh breathe of air uplifted the stress that was on me. As I navigated my way through the airport, I decided to head out due to the number of people who were inside. Making my through the doors, I heard the voice of my best-friend, Esme.

"Kai Rivera! I've missed you so much," she exclaimed as I made my way towards her. Pulling my heavy-ass suitcase.

"I've missed you more, ma chérie," I stated as I engulfed her in a huge bear hug.

She hugged me even tighter, I hadn't seen her in so long. She had came to France when I informed her about Cairo's passing. Esme had booked the fastest flight which always made me appreciate how she was willing to be there for me at all times. Thinking about all of this suddenly made me forget about the happiness I was just experiencing.

Think of Cairo welled up tears in my eyes, and my throat felt like it was closing up. I suddenly couldn't breathe and my chest was closing up. As if Esme could send something was wrong, she pulled away and looked at my face. She quickly pulled me towards her car, bringing out a cold bottle of water.

"Kai.. My darling, just breathe," she stated as she rubbed circles on my back.

I finally felt calm as I drank the cold water which pushed me back into reality. My breathing was more stable and I was able to pick myself up. I could see the concern in Esme's eyes as she looked at me with sympathy. Something I appreciated rather than pity.

"I just really miss Cairo, thinking about him hurts so much. Everything reminds me of him and it's so hard to move on. He was my brightness but I couldn't do the same for him," I stated while try to maintain my voice.

"Of course you miss him Kai. Why wouldn't you? I know how much he meant to you and how much you meant to him, both of you were soulmates and anyone can vouch for that! Don't pressure yourself into feeling a specific way around others, especially not me. You need to let out your emotions and get things off your mind which I'm proud of you for doing so," she comforted.

She took her thumbs and wiped the tears from my face and pulled me into a delicate hug. After a few seconds, she pulled away and led us to her car. We both sat inside and she began driving. Esme told me about her life in Italy and how she's excited to show me everything.

"What do you want to do today," she questioned.

"I'm not sure. Are there any libraries or music stores around here? I was planning on getting a few books," I stated.

"There is this small library nearby. We can make a quick stop then head to the apartment," Esme said.

"That sounds good with me! I just want to pick up a few art books before classes start".

Esme and I kept a conversation throughout our ride as I also admired the beauty of Venice. Living in France was different compared to Italy, I had so many memories that I left behind. Being with Cairo, our families having dinners together, going to school with him and daily walks. His laughter was so contagious, even the smallest things would make him laugh. Those dimples and that smile...

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