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Chapter 7

Theo's POV:

Trigger Warning: Mentions of Suicide

Silence is the only thing that is lingering in the air, each of us lost in our deep thoughts while reassessing what had occurred about half an hour ago. Esme was staring at the floor, holding her head in her hands while Luca calmly rubbed her back.

As I leaned against the wall for support, I felt myself thinking back on what happened with Kai. Seeing her go through a mental breakdown was heartwrenching, watching as she suffocated on her thoughts and breathe while sobbing. Despite my personal troubles and experiences, I never thought that someone like her could be so troubled from within.

When I was first introduced to Kai during the dinner with Esme and Luca, I was left admiring her the entire time. When she looked up during our introduction, I was lost looking into those soulfully deep, brown eyes. Her chocolate-colored hair with underlying shades of caramel-brown framed her face and those plump blush-colored lips. Despite her natural beauty, what I really liked about her was her quiet nature and respectful behavior.

She had this guarded behavior throughout the dinner with few interactions. She seemed to be stuck in her train of thoughts while barely eating any of her food. I had noticed that she and Esme were constantly communicating with one another through their eyes. Then what occurred after dinner was also concerning. Her red-rimmed eyes filled with tears as she held onto Esme for support, them leaving in a rush.

I had met her at a local cafe, but my presence was not really welcomed. She clearly told me to stay away and wasn't interested in forming any sort of friendship, which I respect because every individual has their own boundaries.

With all honesty, when Esme texted me about meeting up at the music store with everyone else, the only reason I decided to go was to see Kai.

As of right now, everything is just an entire mess. Everything that Kai told Esme has left this uneasy and burning feeling in my chest. The way she behaved like nothing had occurred and suddenly left. What was the most concerning was the way she constantly apologized to Esme for things in the past and upcoming future, saying her goodbye as if she would never see Esme again or any of us.

My train of thoughts was suddenly broken when a whisper left Esme's mouth which ended up getting louder every time she repeated it.

"No," she whispered.

"No, no, no," her behavior started to become frantic. The colors of her face left, while her features morphed into panic and fear.

"NO! This cannot be happening. She can't do this to me," she cried out.

My body became stiff with her words, the feeling from before building up.

"Esme, you have to breathe. Tell us what is going on," stated Luca while holding onto her.

Cries kept leaving her mouth, not informing us of what was going on. Her silence was starting to increase my frustration and anger.

"What do you mean, Esme?" I questioned trying to hold back all of the emotions I was experiencing.

"We need to get to my apartment right now before it's too late," she stated while she held onto my hands, staring into my eyes while hers were filled with tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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