Chapter 5 Benny The really really short chapter

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"Well, first off, before we go to Las Vegas, do we have any money?" Jimmy the radioactive antelope points out.


"Okay." I grumble. "Does anybody know somebody that lives in Vegas?"


"Alright." I moan. "Does anyone know a guy that can pick us up and drive us to Vegas?"


"Somebody say something other than no!" I yell.



It's been 3 hours and none of us have any ideas on how to get to Vegas. Honestly, the plot of this story is getting kinda slow.


The author of this book walks into the room. "You know what, since you idiots are too dumb to figure out how to get to Las Vegas, I'll just poof you over to Las Vegas! I'll probably get like, 10 complaints on how this plot does NOT make sense. So there you {censorship}, you're in Vegas! Geez!!!"

"We should do that more often."

Benny, the Radioactive butterfly: Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now