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I woke up with a throbbing head. I realised I was in Kaylin's lap, an ice pack peppering my forehead.

"Kaylin?" I questioned soundly.

"You're awake," she sighed and took the ice pack off.

"Yeah," I tried to lift my head up, "what happened?"

"You got hit by the back of Gigi's gun. Must've been a hard knock," she chuckled.

"Kaylin," I looked at her, "this isn't funny I could've seriously got hurt."

"But you're fine," she sighed, "it's just a bit of a bruise but your hair can cover it if you brush it the right way."

"Seriously tell me what happened. Why were you and Gigi fighting?" I asked, getting agitated.

"It's so stupid you don't have to worry about it," she rolled her eyes and got up.

"I do have to worry about it because you're constant putting my life in danger now. I can't even believe how many times I've had a gun pointed to my face since we came here. I'm constantly scared, I've never felt like this before," I explained as I followed her to her room.

"Hayes," she began, "if you must know I'm trying my absolute hardest to keep you safe. Gigi was threatening to hurt you. What I did just know was to protect you. Your head is so far up your ass you can't even realise it."

"What?" I gawked, "do you even realise what I've done for you? I let you take me away from my whole life and I've been by your side the whole time. You should be lucky I haven't turned you into the police."

"Turned me in? I believe you're forgetting the fact that we're linked in this baby. If you turn me in, you goin' have to face the heat too," she scowled, "I can't believe you right now!"

I saw something collecting in Kaylin's eyes, they were tears.

"Kaylin," I exhausted heavily and brought her into a hug, "I didn't mean it I'm sorry. I'm just scared. I just want to make sure that you're okay. I promised you, and your father and brother for that matter, that I wouldn't hurt you and in that it also means I would make sure you don't get hurt. I just want us to be okay. We have to stick together."

She breathed in, trying to catch her breath from her crying.

"I'm sorry for making our lives so difficult," she broke down.

"You were protecting me. Now it's time I protect you," I wrapped my arms around her, "now can you please tell me why you and Gigi were fighting."

"She wanted me to ditch you and leave with her to start a new life in Rio De Janeiro," she sighed and went into a dissociative state, "because she's in love with me."

"What?" I gasped. I was truly shocked.

"I told her I wasn't going to leave you behind because I'm in love with you. We're in this together," she whispered and hugged me.

Running - h.g [Chasing Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now