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I know what you did. I've been seeing you on the news with that boy. It's the talk of the country. You really did it this time. And to think I was just starting to be proud of you again for landing that fashion designer job and having a fancy place in New York and then you go and do something like this? What kinda daughter did I raise? And we both know this is nothing but your dad's rotten influence. And for you to drag an innocent white boy into this? You oughta be ashamed of yourself. You have brought embarrassing to the family name. I hope you know that you can never be my daughter after this. I don't even know who you are anymore.

- Wanda

This letter is why Kaylin decided to leave. I knew her and her mom didn't get along but I didn't know it was this bad.

It had now been two days, I was worried sick about her. Worried that the police could've caught her or maybe worse, she could've been killed.

I felt hopeless. I didn't know what to do or who to talk to about this. I haven't been able to contact my family since I got here and I miss them like hell. I even miss Nash constantly being on my back. One thing I didn't miss was the chase. I had everything I needed in Kaylin. Who wasn't here.

I thought maybe I should go out looking for her but I didn't even know where to start because this girl lived a completely different life to the life that I thought. Plus I didn't want to risk getting caught or getting killed.

Things were intensifying around here. The feeling of being watched felt more and more prominent as the days went by. It was scary. Especially being all alone the way I was. I was just hoping that I could come home unharmed. And I was hoping even more that Kaylin would come back, unharmed.

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