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I walked around the little house that Kaylin had driven us to. Creaky doors and rusty window frames surrounded me. All of this seemed too crazy.

I felt Zan's body brush up against my leg. I bent down and brushed his head.

"We'll be home soon boy," I said but I was unsure of the honesty of my words.

What the hell was Kaylin doing with her life? Why were we here and why is she so skilled at this. I had too many questions that couldn't be answered right now.


I heard the front door open and many bags hit the kitchen counter.

"Kaylin," I called out.

"Yeah?" she answered as she came into the living room. I just sat there the whole afternoon chain smoking and sitting with Zan.

"Smells like smoke here," she sniffed, "so you smoke too?"

"Yeah. We're not all perfect," I commented.

"You would know," she snarled.

"You wanna tell me what the hell is going on here?" I snapped at her.

"We wouldn't be here if you weren't such a womanizer," she snapped back.

"I'm not the one who killed someone!" I stood up and yelled.

"She was gonna kill you Hayes! What the fuck was I supposed to do? Let you die?" she questioned with fury.

"Okay woah," I lunged forward and held her shoulders, "we fought way too much in the car. I don't have the energy for this. I'm so hungry."

"Lucky for you I bought food," she left my grip and went to the kitchen. I followed her as I saw a lot of grocery bags.

"Sandwich?" she asked.

"Yeah," I huffed and sat on the counter, "where are we anyways?"

"Oregon," she answered as she made the sandwich.

"That's literally across the country," I gawked.

"I know," she commented.

"Kaylin will you please tell me what's going on. Babe we have to think of a better plan," I tried to reason with her.

"And get caught again? No way Hayes. This is our lives now. Plus we might be able to go back to New York. We gotta wait until things calm down," she explained.

"Again? Might? What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Follow me," she ordered and went into the living room. I took my sandwich and followed her. She slid open a wall to reveal a small antique TV. She turned it on.

"...the owner of the apartment, Hayes Grier, is at large, as well as his accomplice Kaylin Walker. If anyone has information regarding these two felons, please report it to the New York Police Department immediately. This has been turned into a nationwide search..."

"See. We're being looked for," she said.

"I'm sure if we just go to the police and explain that Charlotte was actually about to kill me and you did it in self defense we should get out of it easy at least. I'll tell them about her continuous threats and her psycho tendencies. I mean I have the evidence," I explained.

"We can't do that Hayes," she sighed.

"And why not Kaylin!" I started to get fired up again.

"Because Hayes!" she screeched then brought down her voice, "I'm an ex-felon."

"What?" I gasped.

And I thought I was the criminal here. Stealing the hearts of many women previously.

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