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I tried to lead my way through the crowd, looking for the portapotties. Usually I'd stay away from such germ infested headquarters but that extra large blueberry and grape slushie had to go out somewhere.

I saw the line of portapotties ahead. The place began to feel a little fuller than it was before. I looked behind me and saw a figure quickly turn around. The short honey brown hair moving swiftly while being covered by a beanie. I looked back and continue heading forward.

I eventually got to the portapotties and went inside. I did what I had to do and left quickly. As I made my way to the entrance, the feeling of being watched started to intensify. I kept looking back ever so often, I felt the figure get closer and closer and I picked up the pace. I felt a hand try to touch my shoulder, I quickly bolted, shoving past moving bodies and eventually got out the fair.

Hayes saw me running and decided to open the door so I could just jump in. I closed the door and we drove away in a hurry.

"What happened?" he asked panicked.

"Someone was following me," I tried to catch my breath, "I have to make a run for it."

"Did you see who it was?" he asked again, picking up the speed.

"Not really, I just saw short hair in a beanie," I explained.

"Maybe we shouldn't have gone today. I think we should probably try our best to lay low until we can get back," Hayes commented as he parked the car outside our house.

"Yeah," I sighed, "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize baby," he kissed my forehead, "I enjoyed spending time with you today."

"Me too," I smiled and kissed him deeply.

"Woah why don't we wait until we get into the house," he pulled away and chucked.

"Why wait?" I winked, reclining the passengers seat.

"Yeah, why wait indeed," he smirked and got on top of me.

Running - h.g [Chasing Sequel] Where stories live. Discover now