Chapter 4 *Justin*

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I looked at Jai, and said I need to tell you how I feel about yo-“ and he cut me off and said “I know, Kait, I like you too, lets take things slow though” I smiled and turned around walking back to my bed and getting my laptop. I got on twitter and I now had 1000 followers. I was so confused. All through my timeline was people telling me stay away from Jai and some telling me how cute me and him were. I looked at Jai and he said already took care of the ones who don’t like you. I looked at his twitter and he said “To all my disappointed fans, I like her a lot, don’t ruin it for me. She’s perfect. Let me have her, don’t be mad xoxo” and I saw that his twin brother Luke had tweeted me saying “I haven’t seen @JaiBrooks1 for 2 days… I assume hes with @kaitlynadams if not hes dead..” I giggled and texted Luke saying I’ve got him and sent him a picture of Jai doing a funny face.

Jai went home later that night because once again, I fell asleep on him. So when I woke up, I found a note…

Dear Kait,

            Last night when you told me you liked me, I almost died. Like really though. I like you so much, but I really want to take things slow so things don’t get messed up. Come over tonight so you can meet the boys? Text me later babe. Oh, by the way good morning sunshine :)

You obviously know who this is from, but in case you lost your memory in your sleep, its jai :*

He’s so cute. He’s perf. I got ready and headed out to his house. I texted him telling him I was on my way. I had on my light pink skinny jeans, white vans, a white shirt, and I had put my hair in a braid on the side and put on light makeup.

I pulled into Jai’s house and all the boys were already there. I walked in and they all greeted me. I already knew Beau and Luke, but the other two were a mystery. The taller one was James and the shorter one was Daniel, but they call him Skip. James was kind of weird toward me, but Skip was so nice to me. I could tell we were going to be good friends.

Gina yelled through the house, “DINNERS READY”

We all ran through the house jumping into a seat along the bar table. Gina handed us our food. I sat in between Luke and Jai.

Jai’s phone started ringing so he got up and excused himself. He was gone for a good 45 minutes. I had no idea who he was talking to. Beau rolled his eyes and said “what a dick.” I was so confused. Skip moved over and sat next to me and we talked until Jai came back. Me and Skip had plans to go get some lunch tomorrow, only friends though. When Jai came back, James asked who it was, and he wouldn’t answer him, so James said “Oh, I got it," raising his eyesbrows. WHO THE FUCK WAS HE TALKING TO?!

Jai looked at me and said he was sorry and that he had to go, but that I was welcome to hangout with the guys if I wanted to, but not to have too much fun. I rolled my eyes and said “well okay then.” He breathed heavily and stormed out the door. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but it made me nervous for some reason.

I decided I was going to leave because I almost broke down in tears when Jai wouldn’t tell the boys who he was talking to because I was there. I took Skip home on my way back. We talked the whole way. I opened up to Skip, he opened up to me. I couldn’t wait to get lunch with him tomorrow, I hope Jai wont be mad.


“Skip.. why are you so nice to me?” I asked him while sitting at a booth at Maccas. He said “Kait, you already know more about me then most people who have lived here their whole life do, so of course I have to be nice to you. I don’t want you mad at me and start telling people my secrets” he said and winked at me. I giggled. I considered Skip to be my best friend already.

We talked for another hour and then he popped the question I was dreaded someone asking me. “Do you miss anyone from back home? Like an ex or something?”

My eyes filled with tears. I ran to the bathroom, and cried for 30 minutes. I came back out and he was still sitting there with his face in his hands. He said “I’m so sorry Kait, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”

“Don’t worry about it, I am an idiot for crying. I’m sorry.” I said. I could tell he was confused and wanted to know why.

 It was silent for 5 minutes, it was so awkward.

“Skip?” “Yeah?” he said. “Can I tell you something? I’ve never told anyone, even my parents.” I asked. He looked surprised and agreed, and promised to never tell anyone.

I tried to hold the tears back. It wasn’t working though. I said “His name was Justin.. I dated him for 6 months and then he decided he didn’t love me anymore. We broke up and I missed him so much, I would have done anything to get back with him. Well 2 months later he came crawling back, so I took him back because I missed him so much. Things went well for about a week, and then it turned into hell. I was so in love with him I couldn’t tell. He told me about him cheating on me for 4 months when we were together before and I didn’t care. One time he asked me to have sex with him, and I said I didn’t want to, so he hit me.. He hit me, skip. After the first time he hit me, it must have set a trigger off in his head, because he continued hitting me, for months upon months. I tried to get out of the relationship but when I did he threatened to do even worse things to me. He continued abusing me verbally, and physically. I walked around with bruises and black eyes all the time, claiming to have fallen some of the times, and claiming to have fought a girl at school. I couldn’t keep lying to everyone like this. That’s when I decided to move toMelbournewith my dad. Rumor has it that Justin is looking for me, because he misses me. No one will tell him where I am because I begged them not to. I’m almost hiding from him. I’m scared that he’s going to find me, and if he finds out im talking to someone, only God knows what he would do to him..” I looked at Skip, and started bawling. He came over and sat on my side of the booth and hugged me. He was shocked, I knew he was. He couldn’t get any words out of his mouth.

He just stared at me. He then started tensing up around me, I could tell he was getting mad.

I looked up, and he said “I will always be here for you, if you think he is coming down here you call me and I will be there to beat the shit out of him, don’t think I won’t. I wont tell anyone, I promise. I hate you had to go through this alone. I hate that son of a bitch. He better hope he never sees me.”

Part of me wanted Skip to find Justin and another part of me didn’t. I wasn’t sure why.

After two weeks, I hadn’t heard from Jai again. I only heard from Skip and occasionally Luke, asking if I knew where Jai was, I always answered saying “no, but I wish I did.”

I slowly started going back into my depressed phase. I needed my brother now more than anything, but I knew I almost ruined that when he saw me with Jai. I decided I would call him, and then hung up first thing I called him because I didn’t want him to think that it was all Jai’s fault. After I told Skip all about Justin, I started having nightmares again and almost seeing him sometimes when I would go out. I was scared again, scared now more than ever. If people at home already knew I was “talking” to Jai, he would know and would be on a mission to come find the both of us. I ended up calling Jai instead.


Kaitlyns outfit:


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