Chapter 9 *My Niece*

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*3 weeks later*

We were leaving tomorrow morning at 4am to get on a plane to Los Angeles! I had been working on my choreography and class plans ever since I got the email. I had been training 4 days a week at my dance academy, which meant I wasn't with the boys as much, but it's okay. It didn't really bother anyone that much.

From: Zack

You're going to LA?

To: Zack


From: Zack

Who alls going? You're teaching?

To: Zack

Yes I am teaching. Beau, Jai, Skip, James, and Luke are going. We leave tomorrow morning.

From: Zack

Oh. Please be careful. Miss you. Love you.

To: Zack

Yeah, okay.

Gosh. He makes me so mad sometimes. I haven't talked to him in ages. I can't believe he has the nerve to just randomly text me. I was not okay with that. I was going to be staying at Jai's house tonight since Gina was taking us to the airport. James and Skip decided to go with us so we would all be there for the night. I was excited. We were going to be staying there for 8 days. The boys had set up some radio interviews and meet and greets for the whole Janoskian thing. I was gonna be taking some classes and sometimes doing meet and greets since apparently everyone "wants to meet kaitlyn". I had packed literally half of my closet. I never knew what to expect. I grabbed my bag, kissed my dad goodbye and drove to Jai's house.

When I got to Jai's house all of the boys were frantically packing and Gina was confirmed interviews and appearances. No one had even noticed that I had walked into the house. I sat all of my luggage down and headed up to Jai's room. He was on his laptop and had clothes and suitcase thrown sprawled everywhere. He looked up and said "oh, hey babe." I grinned and yelled "PACK!"

".....I'm not good at packing. I always forget something. And I don't know what to pack"

"Oh my goodness! Fine! I'll do it for you."

"I was hoping you would have said that. You are seriously the best"

I laughed and headed toward the closet. I grabbed stuff to swim in, undergarments, jeans, tshirts, shorts, nicer clothes, sweats, and hoodies. I also grabbed all of his beanies and snapbacks, because he is literally obsessed with them. I left out a beanie for him to wear tomorrow for the plane ride. I finally finished and jumped in the bed with jai. He kissed my cheek and went to the bathroom. I pulled out my phone. My twitter was blowing up and I had 4 texts.

From: mom

Please call when you land.

From: Dad

Be safe. I love you. Call me soon. Xxx

To: Dad

I love you too. Okay!

From: Justin

Hey Kaits. Have a good time. Mom is proud of you and says hello. She's still holding on.

Well in case you didn't realize, Justin and I are on speaking terms. I'm there for him because I'm sure he needs someone to talk to with all that he is going through with his mom and dad.

To: Justin

Awww. Tell her I said hello. Thank you. I pray for her everyday. She's holding on for you, J. She loves you so much.

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