Chapter 7 *Those three words, Released*

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I heard cars pull up so I walked and opened the door. It was Jai, Skip, Luke, and Beau, someone else was getting out so I just assumed it was James and went up to Jai’s room because he’s the only one I really wanted to talk to right now.

I heard a bunch of footsteps and Jai walked into his room and saw me and smiled. He said “Kait, there’s someone here I want you to talk to.” I said “sure, who?” He walked over and opened his door and

“MY GOD JAI WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!” I yelped. I jumped up, grabbed my phone and tried to run. Justin stopped me and said “K, you have been running from me for way too long, we need to talk.” I struggled and started bawling. I felt Jai come over and hold intertwine his fingers with mine. I looked at Justin and said “You did all the talking when we were together, so it’s my turn now.” “Fair enough,” he whispered.

I started to unbutton my jeans and Jai said “Kait, why are you taking your pants off?” “You’ll see” I whispered. I started shaking. I slid my pants down and revealed scars and cuts from the top of my leg to right at the top of me thigh. “YOU DID THIS TO ME! I CAN’T SLEEP AT NIGHT BECAUSE I THINK YOU MAY COME AND FIND ME! I CUT MYSELF ABOUT EVERY DAY TRYING TO TAKE THE PAIN AWAY THAT YOU CAUSED ME. I HAVEN’T HAD A DAY WHERE I HAVEN’T BEEN BAWLING TRYING NOT TO THINK OF YOU. I HATE YOU AND WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME.” I caught my breath. Jai had walked away and had his hand over his mouth staring at my leg. Justin was staring at me like he didn’t know what to do. Of course, Beau, Skip, and Luke had came in right about then and saw my leg and walked over to Jai.

“Justin, I was so in love with you, I don’t know if you knew that or not, but I was, and even when you started hitting me, I loved you, I just thought it was a phase. One year later and you were still hitting me. I tried to run away but you always found me, and now I completely even moved and you’ve found me. Not again, Justin. Please?” I begged.

“Kait, I came here to tell you that I’m done chasing you. It’s over. I know it is. There’s no way in hell that you could ever love me again, and I know that now. I didn’t come toMelbourneto only see you, granted I was excited to see you, but I didn’t come here for that. My mom has cancer, Kait. She has one month to live, and you know more than I do how much she wanted to come here, toMelbourne. I finally saved up enough to bring her here, considering dad left us about three weeks ago when we found out how strong it was, and now my mom is leaving me. I needed to make things okay with you, so I could completely start over and not have that burden anymore, you know?” he said.

I loved his mom, Janet, sooo much. I started crying and all I could spit out is “Oh my God.” I walked over to Justin and hugged him. I was scared to death that he was going to hug me like he used to, which hurt. He didn’t, it was gentle and sincere. “Your legs” he whispered and started crying. “I hate what I did to you,” he said.

I walked out and said “I’ll be okay guys, just going to take some time.” I looked at Justin and said “bye Justin, call me sometime.” I walked out. I texted Jai and said “come over later. Other’s can come too; I have some explaining to do.” “Babe, I still care about you no matter what. It just hurt me to have to see that side of you. I’ll be over later, the guys are dying to come too,” he said. I replied “Okay :)” and started smiling while walking into my house. I saw my dad and ran up and hugged him. I began to explain to him what has been happening to me. He and I cried and talked for hours. He told me I could trust him with anything. Jai and the boys were now knocking and I yelled for them to come on in. They found me and my dad on the couch teary-eyed and Luke said “you told him, eh?” I nodded and he yelled “PRAISE JESUS!” We all giggled and walked to my room.

I sat in front of them. “First of all I want to tell you all how much I appreciate what you all did, you ALL helped me to overcome my fear of Justin and I will forever be in debt to you all. Jai, if it wasn’t for me completely falling for you I probably would have went right back to my old ways with Justin. And now let me say that I hate you all had to see my leg. I never wanted anyone to see that. I am done, in case you were wondering. I am not going to do it anymore. I don’t have a reason to. If only scars could fade away in just a day. They’ll always be there to remind me. I was miserable, but please know that I am not anymore,” I explained. All of the guys had tears running down their faces and I hadn’t noticed that my dad was standing in the doorway smiling and crying. He walked off and I said “stop crying, you bunch of fucking girls.” I giggled and Jai said “can we talk? Just us?” “Sure” I said and we got up and walked to the den.

Jai looked at me and said “I’ve been dying to tell you this and I am very scared but I am still going to say it anyway. Kaitlyn, I am in love with you. I love you.” I smiled and said “I love you too, more than anything.” He smiled and leaned down and kissed me. He bit my bottom lip and I let out a little moan. We continued the kiss which then led into a complete “make out sesh”. We both released and smiled. We both looked over and saw Beau smiling in the doorway. I laughed and threw a couch pillow at him. He said “I think that if I wouldn’t have been standing here, you all would have gone further” and walked off. I blushed as me and Jai walked into my room.

Skip turned on my radio and “Locked out Of Heaven” by Bruno Mars was on and we all started dancing and singing. Luke took a video and posted it on keek. I heard Skip say “you danced?” I was so embarrassed as I said “yeah” and of course all the guys were begging me to dance for them and I disagreed and walked and grabbed a video and put it in the DVD player. We all watched my contemporary piece to “This Is What Makes Us Girls” by Lana Del Rey. When it got to the jump section of my dance all of the guys mouths flew open and Jai said “oh my God.” Everyone just stared at me and asked why I didn’t dance anymore. I started tearing up and explained that Justin made me quit about a year ago. “I still practice, just in case I decide I want to dance again sometime in the future,” I said. Beau said “well our cousin Chloe dances with a dance company downtown and we are taking you to sign up tomorrow.” Everyone including myself agreed. I didn’t want to show how excited I was so I kept it inside. I was ecstatic. My mom was heartbroken when I told her I was quitting so I texted her and said “hey mommy, guess what?” She replied instantly and said “What?!?!” “One, I have a boyfriend named Jai, and two, he is taking me in the morning to start at a dance company here inMelbourne,” I replied. “No way?! Call me after your first practice tomorrow.” I smiled. The guys were replaying my video and asking to see more, so I grabbed my laptop and showed them my YouTube channel, which had five contemporary videos and three hip hop videos. Beau asked if he could play on my computer while the rest of us watched the Hangover part two, which was absolutely hilarious. Jai held my hand the whole time and would whisper cute things in my ear, which made it all worth it.

After the movie was over Beau had a DVD he wanted us all to watch. It started and a quote popped up, so I immediately knew where it was from, my diary. “Dance is not only my life; it is a way of life. I dance because I was born to, but most of all I dance because I chose this dance lifestyle. I will never quit, nor ever give up. –Kaitlyn Adams”

The video after that were clips from all of my dance videos. It was beautiful. I forgot how much I missed dancing until I watched this video. At the end it had my headshot, my email, and my twitter username. I had tears running down my face and nodded a thank you to Beau. He then proceeded to tell us how he had uploaded it onto the Janoskians YouTube channel, so it would get more views. I looked and the title was “Our best friend, Jai’s girlfriend, Kaitlyn Adams dance Promo” I smiled and winked at Jai. Just reading the words “Jai’s girlfriend” gave me thechills. I love him, I really do.




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