Chapter 3 *Zack's Back*

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My phone buzzed and I clicked answer yelling HEY JAI. He asked if he could come over and hangout with me for a while, I agreed and started getting ready.. He texted me and said “don’t get dressed up, it’s a pj party. ;)” So I put on some of my PINK sweatpants and a plain black tshirt and put my hair in a messy bun on top of my head. He walked in and had on sweats, a tshirt, and a beanie. My god. Beanies..

We decided to watch the notebook, which of course I ended up crying at the end, and he cuddled with me, which I found super cute. Theres something about him. I don’t know what it is, but something, that draws me to him.

I had major trust issues since my last boyfriend, and I was very scared about getting close to anyone else. Which is exactly what happened after we watched the movie. We talked for about 3 hours, telling each other stories about ourselves and telling each other things the other should know about them.

He suddenly said I have to show you something, and got up and grabbed my laptop. He got on youtube and typed in the janoskians. I said "OH, I have seen one of their videos before, but it was a while ago. They're really funny" He clicked on the most recent one which was called “SkippingAcademy#2” He started it, and my mouth flew open.

I looked at him and said “NO WAY?!” He said "yeah babe". So that’s why some random girls were telling me to back off their man. I was confused, I had also gotten like 300 new followers in like 5 hours, which was weird considering I started off with just like 200 and somehow gotten close to500 inone day.

Almost 10 minutes after watching the video and laughing about the stupid stuff he and the boys did my best friend from back home called me. I put it on speaker so she could meet Jai, and before I could warn her she said “You little shit, Jai Brooks?! Really?! JANOSKIANS!??! Oh my god. Kait. He’s so freaking hot, how did you land that one?” I blushed and Jai said, "Oh hey Hannah, its Jai, she didn’t land me, I landed her.” It was silent for like 2 minutes and I said "Hannie?” she said “shit, I feel awful. Im embarrassed. You are one lucky girl, now get your ass back so you can tell me deets. Zack is coming down tomorrow night, he cant wait.” I looked over at Jai and saw the color drain from his face, because surprisingly I hadn't mentioned my brother. I mouthed BROTHER. He said, "Oh okay, I was getting jealous." After I hung up with Hannah me and Jai talked until about3 inthe morning and I fell asleep in his arms, begging him to stay the night with me. I called Gina and asked her, and she was half asleep so she agreed.


Zack pulled up the next morning. He walked in and found me sleeping with Jai, not like that though. He coughed and Jai sat up almost immediately. He was shirtless, because that’s just how he sleeps and I had on jais hoodie and boy shorts, so Zack assumed we were hooking up. He glared at me and said “Damn K, one day and you’re already fucking the neighbors.” He slammed the door and walked out. I looked at Jai and he said "I guess that’s my cue to leave" and I pushed him down saying "oh no its not, you’re mine for today." He said he needed to take a shower so I showed him the bathroom and walked downstairs to hear zack talking to dad about my new “fuck buddy”. I glared at Zack, and my dad asked. I said “Yeah I did let him sleep over, we did not have sex though, Jai is like my bestfriend and I actually like him so don’t ruin this for me” “Okay, I wasn’t planning to, I trust you” my dad said. Making me smile. I glared at Zack, I had never seen him so mad about me talking to a boy. I asked him what his deal was, and he said "I heard a rumor that you were seeing one of the boys from the janoskians so I came down earlier today so I could see for myself, and then I walked in on you and Jai.. Kait,  I'm afraid that Jai is only using you." I told him he was not, and then I felt Jai come behind me and hug me saying, “I’m not using her, nor will I ever, so back off, I know you’re her brother but when you don’t live here with her, I’m here to protect her, you should be thanking me” and then he held out his hand and said “hey, I’m Jai” which made me giggle.

Zack was pissed and walked out. I could tell that this was going to be a turning point for me and Zack. But I was almost okay with it.




Jai and Kaits outfits for PJ Party:

Don't worry the other boys are coming soon!



This is what Kaitlyn looks like,r:19,s:0,i:148&tx=98&ty=112&biw=1138&bih=521

This is what Zack looks like,r:30,s:0,i:227&tx=138&ty=118&biw=1138&bih=471

I KNOW *drool* OVER ZACK. :P

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