Preference #5

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they are clingy

he had been following you all day and wouldn't leave your side you thought it was quite cute. "newt leave y/n alone for a second you both need to do your job" Alby said. Newt shook his head no and pouted like a little kid "no i'm not leaving y/n" he said hugging you. Alby sighted and gave you and Newt the day off. he had the biggest smile on his face and brought you to his hut and cuddled with you for the rest of the day

You were in the safe haven Thomas had been following you around all day. he was hugging you and holding your hand whining when you wanted to let go to eat or get dressed into something else. at dinner he sat next to you. he came to your bed and cuddled with you his head in the croock of you neck. you giggled at his childish behaviour not that you were complaining tho

you were in the safe haven and he was hugging you since the morning only letting you out for food. when you were done eating he dragged you back to your bed and cuddled with you. when there was a bonfire at first he didn't wanna go because that meant he had top let go of you but he did anyways because other wise he wouldn't get any cuddled for a whole week. of course that was a lie to get him to go

you were inthe glade and normally Gally wouldn't be very affective with you around the other galders because he had a reutation to hold up. But today was different. He came over to you and grabbed you awawy from you job he put you over his shoulder all the gladers looked at you confused Gally gave them all a death glare. He walked you towards his hut and layed you down on the bed. he layed next to you and put his head on your chest. A couple of minutes Newt walked in "hey y/n I need you help u comming?" he asked. you were about to get up when Gally tightened his grip on you "no y/n is staying here she can help you later" he said sternly. you chuckled and gave Newt and apoligetic smile

you were in the WICKED department and you woke up to sounds in the vents. you were about to look what it was when Aris popped up from under your bed he climbed in your bed and cuddled with you.  you giggled and kissed his head he looked up at you and smiled. He wouldn't let you leave except for breakfest, lunch  and dinner. After dinner he came to your room again "your clingy today" you smiled at him he smiled back and nodded his head and kissed you you cuddled the rest of the night. 

you were a med-jack and he was a slicer but because of that you saw each other a lot. one day he had a bad cut and came to you, you imidiatly cleaned him up and put a bandage on his wound, he kept staring at you the whole time and didn't want to leave the med-hut. so he didn't he stayed with you all day and when you were done for the day it was dinner time. when you finished dinner he took you to his hut and cuddled with you. you thought it was really cute.

he was in the kitchen and had asked Alby if you could help him there Alby agreeded and Frypan took you to the kitchen. you had a lot of fun throwing flour and other food at each other after everyone got their dinner and ate it you adn Frypan watched the stars and cuddled after that

you were in the safe haven and all day Jorge had been followig you around and hugging you , holding your hand all that stuff you thought it was really cute tho so you didn't complain

she always kept an eye on yu so her following you wasn't very weird. She never really showed affection when other people were around only when you two were together. But today was different she held you hand and hugged you kissing your cheek and stuff not that you were caomplaining tho no you thought it was rather cute. at the end of the day she pulled you to your bed ad cuddled with you

You were in the glade and sonya wouldn't let you leave in the moring so you just stayed in bed with her the whole day. No one minded tho the cook brought you food so you could lay with Sonya all day

you were in the safe haven and had been cuddling with Harriet the whole day and when you needed to get up she walked with you hand in hand. Everyone was smiling when they saw how happy you two were

you had started dating a couple of days ago and she had been clingy ever since she came up in the box beacuse you were the only girl. So when you were in the scorch she walked besides you not leavinf you alone holding your hand and cuddlig with you at night even tho it was really hot outside you didn't mind of course you were used to it

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