preference #6

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you get jealous of a girl (the girls name is gonna be Jessica idk why but if that's your name then just pretend it's Jenifer or something)

Requested by: RoseSanchez12298806

you were at the right arm and saw a girl being all over Newt. You felt really sad inside and walked over. no way you were gonna let that slut win. " hey newtie who's this" you asked sitting next to him. "hey baby this is Jessica" he said smiling at the girl she gave you an overly fake smile "hi who are you if i may ask?" She asked with still with the fake smile plastered on her face. "I'm y/n Newts girlfriend" you with the same fake smile. Newt caught on what was happening (about time) and chuckled. "Okay Jessica it was nice meeting you but we're gonna go now bye" he said standing up taking your hand. Jessica looked sad but smiled anyway "bye Newtie" she said winking at him. He rolled his eyes and the girl looked shocked and stormed off. You watched her every step she took until Newt turned you around and kisses you.

You were in the safe haven the bonfire had just started and you already saw that girl Jessica being all over Thomas. You felt really jealous, you  walked over and gave the girl a nasty glare.  You sat next to thomas and he turned to you smiling "hey baby how are you" he asked kissing your cheek. you smiled back "i'm terrific who is this?" you asked looking at the girl Jessica even tho you knew exactly who she was. " this is Jessica"he replied smiling at the girl she smiled back and moved a little closer to Thomas. "and who are you?" she asked giving you a fake smile. "i'm y/n his girlfriend" you replied back with an even faker smile. she gave you a nasty glare and you gave her an even nastier glare back. When Thomas finally noticed what was going on he laughed. You both looked at him confused " look Jessica i'm flattered well not really but I only have my eyes on one girl and that girl is y/n so i suggest you go bother someone else thank you very much" he said still laughing. she rolled her eyes and left without saying another word. Thomas was still laughing his ass off but when he finally stopped laughing he kissed you.

you were in the safe haven a couple of days after the bonfire. You saw Minho at breakfast with a girl you didn't know yet so you decided to find out who she was. "hey Minho" you said kissing his cheek. He smiled at you "hey princess" he said smiling. "who is this?" you asked pointing at the girl. she gave you a smile. "this is jessica i met her at the bonfire when you went to sleep" he replied smiling at her. You nodded and went to sit with Thomas and Brenda. When you sat down they gave you a weird look. You explained what happened and they nodded their heads, WHen you had finished breakfast you walked to you bed and saw Minho walking over. "hey is something wrong?" he asked. "no nothing is wrong only that MY boyfriend has been talking to a girl without me even knowing it because i was asleep" you told him. You saw him laughing and walking over to you. you gave him him a mad look for laughing and he kissed you. "you have nothing to worry about".

you were in the glade and  it was a hot day most of the gladers were shirtless including your boyfriend Gally. A couple of days ago another girl had come up in the box and ever since she was all over Gally. She had felt really jealous and had distened yourself from him. But of course he hadn't noticed or so you thought. Every night ever since you had distened yourself he was laying in his bed thinking about what he coul have done wrong. You were working in the gardens with newt ranting about how you thought Gally liked the new girl Jessica and not you. Newt was listening to you ranting being your best friend that was his job. Gally noticed you talking to Newt and also felt jealous. He walked over Jessica following behind him. Newt saw him walk over and looked at you, you nodded and he left. Gally sat next to you and Jessica sat next to him. "what's wrong" he asked "why have you been avoiding me and talking to Newt so much?" he asked. "well I don't know maybe because you have been paying more attention to a greenie than to your own girlfriend?" you answered his question. he looked at you shocked and then behind him where Jessica was sitting. " why are you even here?" he asked hr she looked shocked and walked away to bother another glader. he turned back to you and apologized. you smiled and he kissed you.

a new group of people came to the WICKED department. There was one girl named Jessica she sat next to Aris and laughed with him adn touched his arm. you sat at another table with your new friends Newt, Thomas,  Minho and Winston. You normally sat with Aris but  you couldn't handle that today.  After dinner you walked back to your room and sat on you bed. You almost fell asleep when suddenly there was a sound in the vents you looked under your bed and saw Aris you sat back on you bed and he got out of the vent. he looked at you and sat next to you. "what's wrong did I do something?" he asked slightly panicked. " I don't know why don't you just ask you new girlfriend"you replied crossing you arms over your knees why were pulled up against your chest. He looked at you confused but when he realized what was happening he chuckled and hugged you. "i promise i was just trying to make her feel welcomed here i know how it was the first time coming here and so do you" he said kissing your head and falling asleep in his arms. The next day Jessica was called to go to the "farm"

you were in the safe haven (let's pretend he didn't die). You were at the bonfire and a girl Jessica walked over to Winston adn started talking to him you felt jealous and walked away. Winston imidiatly noticed what was happening and told the girl that he already had a girlfriend, you. He walked after you and grabbed you hand turning you around you looked at him and he kissed you. When you pulled away he took you to the beach and sat down with you and hugged you looking at the stars together. and when you fell asleep he picked you up walking to your bed and cuddling with you. what a cutie

he was cooking in the safe haven with a girl Jessica who was cook in her glade. they were having a lot of fun and yo felt really jealous. you walked in the kitchen to grab something to drink and Frypan walked over to you he hugged you and kissed your head "do you wanna help?" he asked smilling at you. you smiled back and nodded. Jessica rolled her eyes and walked away. "finally she is gone sh ewas quite annoying" Frypan tol dyou laughing you laughed with him and had a lot of fun making dinner.

You were in the house (yk in the scorch trials when they first met Brenda) and this girl Jessica had been all over Jorge for a couple of days now and you were getting sick of it. You saw them together and slapped her in the face. She looked up at you holding her cheek "what the fuck?" She asked. "Next time don't flirt with my man" you told her she walked away and Jorge laughed proudly

You were in the safe haven and a girl Jessica had been flirting with Brenda. You walked over and sat in front of them. They looked at you and Brenda smiled. "Hey who is this?" You straight up got to the point. "This is Jessica" Brenda answered and then she noticed what was going on. "But honestly I don't really like her" she said Jessica looked up and looked confused she walked up and you cracked up laughing.

You were in the glade. And the new freebie had been following Sonya ever since she came up in the box. "Hey Sonya" she said walking over to where you and Sonya were sitting. "Hey Jessica" Sonya said smiling. " Uh hi Jessica" you said and she smiled at you. "So uhm Sonya I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner together yk with no one around" she asked Sonya smiling like an idiot.  She doesn't want that I'm sorry" you replied before Sonya could. " How would you know that" she asked giving you a glare. " Because I'm her girlfriend" you replied and she looked shocked and walked away. The rest of the day Sonya kept teasing you about it.

You were with them in the mountains and this girl Jessica who had arrived a couple of days ago kept following Harriet. You had enough and decided to ask what he problem was. " Okay what's your problem?" She looked at you confused. " What do you mean" she asked. " Why do you keep following me and my girlfriend around don't you have friends to annoy?" You asked and Harriet laughed. Jessica huffed and walked away. When she was gone Harriet hugged you

You were in the glade and another girl had come up in the box and been clinging on Teresa the way she was clinging on you when teresa came up in the box. " Okay can I have a moment alone with my girlfriend please thank you very much" you asked her she looked at you and let go of Teresas arm. She walked away and Teresa laughed at your jealous expression. You took her hand and took her to your hut and cuddled with her.

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