prefernce #11

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you get the flare ( everyone who died is alive in this one) some of them have a sad ending and some have a happy ending.

requested by: 

Alby- (sad)
When he found out that you had the flare his heart dropped. He saw the veins going up your neck and the blood spilling from your mouth. He knew he had to kill you but he couldn't. You stood before him with pleading back eyes. He grabbed the knife and killed you. When your lifeless body dropped down on the floor. He sank to his knees crying.

Chuck- (sad)
You were in the scorch after the mall attack. A crank had clawed your leg and Chuck noticed you walking weird. When you fell to the ground everyone ran to you. They saw the claw mark and everyone gasped. Poor Chuck didn't know what was going on until it hit him. He hugged you not letting you go. Until someone pulled him off of you handing you a gun. Just like they did with Winston.

Clint- (happy)
You were at the right arm and had the flare you didn't tell anyone not wanting to cause drama. But then your body dropped to the ground. People tan over to you. They saw the mark and got some of Thomas's blood. Clint stayed with you until you woke up.

Jeff- (sad)
You were in the scorch when you saw something on your arm. You recognized it as the flare. A couple of days later you dropped on the floor coughing blood. Jeff was by your side in a millisecond and asked you what was wrong. You showed them your arm and everyone gasped you saw Jeff crying. They gave you a knife and Jeff said a final goodbye to you before he left.

Newt- (sad but also happy)
You both had the flare and both had a gun. You hugged for a moment before shooting each other. Knowing you would see each other again.

Thomas- (happy)
When Thomas found out you and the flare he imidiatly ran to get the cure. When he came back you were laying in the ground breathing heavy. He gave you the cure and you started to breath normal again. He hugged you tightly.

Minho- (sad)
When he saw your body drop down on the floor he ran over to you . He saw the veins crawling up your neck anrecognised it as the flare. He froze for a moment before giving you a hug. He saw a gun layin garound and gave it to you. You looked at him with a thankfull look and you shot yourself. He dropped down on his knees next to you and cried.

gally- (happy)
you had just reunited and when he pulled of his mask you dropped to the floor. Everyone ran to you Gally being the first one there. They got some of Thomas's blood and the veins slowly started to fade away. When you woke up Gally was laying next to you when he saw you were awak he hugged you like he would never see you again.

aris- (happy)
you just arrived at the right arm when you noticed your legs giving up on you. You fell to the floor and people ran to your side. When you woke up you were in a tent you saw aris asleep next to you with his head near your stomach. You played with his hair and he woke up. When he saw you he jumped up and hugged you.

frypan- (happy)
you were in the safe haven when you noticed black veins on your arm. You ran to frypan and when you showed him he took you to Thomas. They got some of his blood and the veins started to fade really slowly. You thanked them both and Frypan cuddled with you.

jorge- (sad)
when he saw you had the flare his world fell apart but he knew something needed to be done he took the gun and pointed it at you. You smiled at him and nodded. He closed hsi eyes and pulled the trigger. When he opened his eyes again he saw your lifeless body alying on the gorund.

brenda- (happy)
you had the flare at the same tim so you both got a cure. After that you never left each other .

sonya- (sad)
you and newt both had the flare so you both shot each other. When Sonya saw your body she ran over to you screaming. evryon ran to your and Newt's body and found two neckalces on efrom you and one from Newt. In yours there was a letter for Sonya and in Newt's there was a letter for Thomas.

harriet- (happy)
You had reunited at the right arm and suddenly started coughing up blood. She looked at you woried and saw the black veins. She took you to the med-tent where Thomas was still sitting with the doctor. They gave you some of his blood and you fell asleep.

teresa- (sad)
you had come out of the maze to the WICKED department and got your "vitamines". A couple of days later you dropped to the floor and askd teresa to shoot you. She refused at first but the look on your face made her do it. She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger slinshing at the sound. She didn't even want to open her eyes not wanting to see you lifeless body.

a/n: okay so i can't even decide if Newt's was sad or happy to be honest but i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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