Episode 1

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It was the first day of school again, so all the buses were filled with numerous students again. One of them being Moon Hye Min.

It was just the first day and she already wanted to go die. She hadn't even stepped a foot into the school yet but already felt her soul leaving her body.

She quickly scanned her ticket and took a seat on the bus. It wasn't too crowded yet since it was one of the first stops.

But later it will definitely be difficult to even breath due to the amount of people, the majority of them being students, squeezing themselves into every slightly empty spot.

Hye Min took out her phone and played some games to kill time. A few stops later and the bus started to get fuller.

"Kyung Woo, isn't she beautiful?"




Upon hearing the familiar name and the two voices that anticipated in the conversation, Hye Min took her eyes off of her phone observing the two males.

Lee Kyung Woo and Gong Ju Young.

All three of them used to attend the same middle school and were somewhat connected with each other.

A few stops later all of them got off the bus, so Hye Min wondered if they were all attending the same school and judging by the uniform her assumption was confirmed.

'Great. Am I gonna be stuck with these idiots for the rest of my life or what?'

Hye Min quickly distanced herself from them to not be noticed.

As she entered school, all eyes were on her. It has always been like that. She eventually figured out that it was mainly because of her height.

A one eighty tall girl walking down the hallway was eye catching enough but on top of that she looked like she was ready to teach somebody a lesson.

Her middle length pitch black hair tied into a high ponytail, her ears decorated with piercings, her tie loosen up, her eyes dead as death itself, her left hand stuffed into her pants pocket, meanwhile her right shoulder carried her backpack.

Everybody moved out of the way for her. Unconsciously since they were too intimidated by her presence.

"Hye Min?"

Hye Min turned towards the voice as soon as she heard it.

"Ah Ram?"

"You also go to this school?", she asked the taller girl.

"Yeah looks like it"

"What class are you in?"

Hye Min gestured with her head towards the classroom right behind them.

"Oh really? Then our classrooms are quiet close. This is my classroom", Ah Ram answered pointing at the classroom next to them.

"Cool, see you around then", Hye Min said before heading towards her classroom.

"Yah, who was that?", Min Ji asked Ah Ram as soon as she entered.


"The girl you just talked to"

"Oh, that's Moon Hye Min. We know each other from the gym. She does boxing too"

"Ohh, so she is an athlete?"


"She seems kinda scary"

"Don't worry, she is really chill. She just looks like she is gonna rip you into pieces but she is actually really nice", Ah Ram reassured her friend with a pat on the shoulder.

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