Episode 25

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Ah Ram and Hye Min were at the gym training again. While Ah Ram was doing rope skipping, Hye Min practiced on her punches and kicks.

As she was doing so, she noticed Ji Soo staring at Ah Ram the whole time not focusing on what he was doing.

"1,2. Yah, why aren't you focusing?", his coach scolded him.

"Go and clear you head. Do a hundred burpees", he advised him, so Ji Soo obeyed.

He approached Ah Ram but just stood there without uttering a word.

"What? You got into trouble?", she asked him as she stopped jumping.

"You said you were going to participate in the National Sports Festival. How will you do well like this?", she added.

"What? I'm still better than you", he blurred out, which ended up with a bet of who could finish one hundred burpees faster. The looser had to buy the other one a meal.

Hye Min took a break from practicing and observed the two.

"Not a bad match"

"But not a good one either", she added after giving it a second thought.

At the library

Since the exams were coming up again, she once again dragged Kyung Woo into the library after finishing her practice.

"Yah, why did you drag me here?", he whined.

"Be a good student and sit down", she told him, so he sat down right next to her.

They studied together and Hye Min helped him with things, that he didn't understand.

"If you don't want me to poke your eyes, you better stop staring at me", she said without looking at him.

'Was it that obvious?'

"Yes it was", Hye Min said almost like she read his mind.

"You just look really beautiful studying, I guess", Kyung Woo said while smiling at her.

"Yah, you've been acting really weird lately? Is everything alright?", she asked truly concerned over her friend.

"Yeah, I've just been really distracted lately. But don't worry, I can handle it myself", he said as he reassuringly smiled at her.

"Yah, Lee Kyung Woo, what did I tell you about keeping things bottled up?"

"You might explode", they both said in union.

"I know, I know, but you can't really help with this one even if I tell you, so don't worry too much, alright?", he said as he patted her head  while smiling before turning back to his work sheets.

Hye Min however was not having it, so she turned him by his shoulders back and stared deeply into his eyes.

"Listen, whatever you are going through, don't do anything stupid. I don't want to make the same mistake again", her eyes softened at the last sentence.

Kyung Woo felt guilty for worrying her like that. He didn't intend to make her feel worried for him but on the other hand, he got to see how much he meant her.

"I told you not to worry already, dummy. It's not what you think it is", he said before turning back.

Hye Min however couldn't stop worrying at this point. He had been constantly dozing off the past few days. He never payed full attention to his surroundings and he kept behaving weirdly around her, so she could only assume the worst.

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