Episode 21

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"Yah, how are things going with Hye Min", Ju Young asked Kyung Woo as they were waiting for Ja Rim.

"I think it's going better than with you", Kyung answered his friend.

"Hold on, did you get taller?", Ju Young asked out of the blue while inspecting his friend.

"I don't know", he said while straightening up.

"I think you got at least one centimeter taller than when we school started"

"Yah, height difference isn't a big deal. They say there is a one to two centimeter difference in the morning and night", Kyung Woo said.

"What? Not a big deal?", Ju Young repeated in disbelief.

"You're saying that because you're tall", he added.

"What if Wang Ja Rim ends up growing taller than you?", Kyung Woo suddenly mentioned worrying his friend.

Right after Ja Rim appeared and all of them made their way towards school. But Ju Young kept staring at his girlfriend's height while worrying over what Kyung Woo told him not too long ago.

"Ja Rim-ah did you perhaps grow taller?", he asked her.

"Yeah, I think I grew about one point five centimeters since school started", she answered which made his worries even worse.

At school

It was break time again, so Hye Min decided to visit the girls again but suddenly Ju Young came skipping into the room gaining various looks.

"Yah, why so happy?", Ah Ram asked him while snacking like usual.

"I just wanted to take Ja Rim to the snack bar"

"Oh we went already", Hye Min said as she grabbed one of the snacks.

Ju Young suddenly looked up and down on her.

"Yah, Moon Hye Min, how come you being taller than me?"

"It's not really that difficult", she replied with a sassy smirked while the others snickered.

"But you are a girl. Aren't females supposed to be around one sixty five only? Why are you one eighty?", he asked jealous about the girl's height.

"My genes"

"Yah, Ju Young are you still worried about your height?", Kyung Woo entered the classroom.

"Yah, shut up. What are you talking about?", Ju Young said before leaving again.

"What was that about?", Min Ji wondered.

"He has been worried about Wang Ja Rim growing taller than him", Kyung Woo answered her.

"No but really, why are you so tall?", Ah Ram asked her friend truly interested.

"I don't know"

"How will you get any guy like that? They might be intimidated by your height", Ah Ram stated.

"Who said I need a guy?", the girl said, which made them all go silent.

"By any chance...", Min Ji carefully started.

"Are you into girls?", she continued.

Hye Min looked at every of her friends' faces.

"I mean, it's nothing to be ashamed off", she quickly added.

"You just act really manly all the time. You are more boy-ish than Lee Kaeng over there", Aram said while still munching on her snack.

"Yah!", he glared at her.

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