Episode 9

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"They feel unsteady but they are still dating. He looks more like her pet rather than her boyfriend", Ah Ram commented while eating her snack.

"At least you raise a pet. That looks more like she is controlling him", Kyung Woo said.

"You guys would be bestest friends, don't you think?", Hye Min asked him sarcastically with a smirk.

'She still hates me'

"Yah Gong Ju Young, you still haven't gone on a date with Ja Rim yet?", Min Ji chased after him.

"Yeah I don't think she wants to", Ju Young replied a bit disappointed.

"Who would want to?", Hye Min added receiving a hit from Min Ji.

"I have big news!", Kyung Min yelled while rushing down the stairs.

He showed the others a website of a restaurant with only handsome workers and one of them being Kyung Woo.

"We should go there this weekend", Kyung Min suggested.

"I don't want to", Hye Min declined and Min Ji joined her.

"Why not? Can you please bring Ja Rim with you?", Ju Young begged them.

"What? You want us to help again?", Min Ji asked in disbelief.

"Yah, Gong Ju Young, aren't you old enough to take care of such matter on your own?", Hye Min said.

"Please, I'll help you with your guys' relationships too", Ju Yeong offered to which Hye Min raised her eyebrow.

"Maybe not you", Ju Young said to her before turned to Min Ji.

"Yah!", Hye Min exclaimed as she hit the boy on his head.

Suddenly Kyung Woo appeared making them all pretend like they weren't discussing anything.

"What's going on?", he asked.

"What? What are you talking about?", Kyung Min shot back a bit too soon.

"I'm asking you what is going on"

Since none of them had an answer, they disappeared as quick as possible leaving Kyung Woo and Hye Min behind.

Kyung Woo gave her a confused look and hoped that he would get an answer but to his surprise she just chuckled at him while looking up and down at him, before leaving as well.

The weekend

It was the day they wanted to meet up at the restaurant Kyung Woo worked at.

Hye Min however did not join them since she didn't feel like putting up with them.

Instead she spend some time outside by herself. The thing she loved the most.

Throughout the past year, she realized that her best friend is solitude.

After loosing her friend because of suicide, she needed answers.

Why did she kill herself? What happened? Why did she never tell Hye Min?

She had millions of questions inside her head and none of them had an answer to it. But since she desperately needed some, she pushed it all on to Kyung Woo.

Hye Min never bothered to give it a second thought because she just needed someone to blame to distract herself from her self doubt.

'I should have known better. What kind of friend am I? Why did I just gave up like that? I always just complained about my difficult life that I never thought about checking up on her. I could have stopped her. But I didn't. Because I was too ignorant'

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