─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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Hello! This is a quick but important warning before you start reading...

This book contains potentially triggering stuff such as self-esteem issues, violent intrusive thoughts, compulsions and obsessive thoughts, trichotillomania (hair-pulling), brief references to self-harm (it doesn't actually happen though), and general themes and descriptions relating to depression, anxiety and OCD. So please please don't read this if any of that will make you upset. I'd hate to hurt any of you beautiful people. I'll write something cute one day I promise! Nah there are plenty of cute scenes in here and it's all about discovering yourself and battling through those things, so it gets better!

If any of you are struggling and finding it difficult to cope with things I really recommend Kooth! (This isn't sponsored or anything). You can send a message to the staff there and they're all really sweet and helpful, or you can get a live chat with someone, and there's a journal I fill out everyday and also lots of fun activity ideas. So yeah if you want to reach out to someone but not sure who, kooth works for me.

Also, the final draft of this book is not finished yet so updates will be irregular depending on how quickly I write :/ I do have a plot planned out! I'm not completely free-styling it thank goodness.

The ships are: DoTae (The book is Doyoung centric), with background JaemJen, JaeWoo and MarkHyuck. NCT 127 ot10 are the main characters.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy, I guess?

Much love to you all (>^ω^<)

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