Thirty-two: Words get stuck in my throat

303 17 18

TW: mentions of not eating ie idol dieting

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The air is static around the couple as they lay on the bed with the covers bunched up at their feet. Doyoung is tucked into Taeyong's arms, one of the elder's hoodies drowning his body in the cosiest way, and Doyoung feels rejuvenated. Like he's stepped into a brand new skin. His fingers draw mindless shapes into the expanse of Taeyong's back where the skin is warm and smooth, before stopping to pull him closer, to breathe in the idol's scent again.

"Aren't you cold?" Doyoung mumbles with a generous dose of lethargy. He feels Taeyong's chest rise as he laughs. "And when did you get this tattoo?" The younger raises his head enough to admire the delicate shooting star across his right collarbone, in line with the forming hickey on the other side.

"Around new year's. I wanted it as a good omen for the year. And it clearly worked, because the universe brought us together." Taeyong tangles his fingers in Doyoung's hair and massages his scalp with tender care as they gaze into each other's eyes. The light catches on the elder's bracelet from Japan and Doyoung melts into his touch knowing that he still wears the item too. "I'm not that cold. You're like a little radiator. I won't get ill."

"That's not how it works." Doyoung frowns, until Taeyong moves his hands to pinch his cheek and reaches for the younger's jumper off the floor just to humour his boyfriend.

"Alright, mister biology student." The elder rolls his eyes with pointed exaggeration until Doyoung kisses him to shut him up and he can't resist the younger's affection.

They've already shared plenty of kisses today, but it's like the first time all over again - without the alcohol - as they coax the most beautiful noises from each other's throats and curve their bodies together. Doyoung ends up on top of Taeyong and the position draws a possessive streak from the depths of his chest again, eating up the sight of the idol wearing his jumper. His brain buzzes with so many positive emotions that it's dizzying to try to catch up with any of them, so he just confides in a drop of confidence and dives down to kiss Taeyong again.

"I'm proud of you, Bubu. Have I already told you?" Doyoung breathes out. His tongue tangs with the taste of the idol's lip balm as he speaks, but he doesn't care. He could say that he's used to it anyway.

"You might have." Taeyong giggles, his round, rosy cheeks rising as he grins wide. "It just feels so surreal that I did it." Taeyong's expression softens, the dark hunger of lust fading to give way to a more subtle blush across his face. "I can't believe I came out like that. There were, like, two million people watching. And they heard your voice. They know."

"So many fans drool over you but I'm the one." Doyoung breathes out, almost to himself, the disbelief that any of this is real life making it difficult to stay grounded to Taeyong, no matter how tight he hugs him, and he thinks of all the scenarios he's read on twitter over the years, imagining himself not in his miserable world but in a different world where he can spend his days beside Taeyong.

Only now he's in the world he so wished for he doesn't quite know what to do.

The realisation hits him all over again, and like every other time he's overthought the situation and their relationship, Doyoung's head spins and he ends up clenching his fingers and reaching for his hair.

"None of that." Taeyong murmurs and catches the younger's hands. Doyoung can't help but sigh out in exasperation, until he notices that both of their hands are equally dry, skin cracking and flaking over the knuckles, and he wants to laugh. The idol notices before he can make a comment. "What happened here?" Taeyong presses kisses along Doyoung's knuckles, like Doyoung does for him after a hard day.

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