Kun: Sweet dreams with you

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"Ten!" Chenle charges across the café as soon as he catches sight of the Thai man pushing the door open. Ten beams wide and lets himself be tackled by the hyperactive boy with pink hair, always delighted to chat with the teenagers. "Kun missed you a lot! I did, too."

"Is that so?" Ten raises his eyebrow, looking across the café to smirk at the owner who's busy behind the counter. It's only been two days since they last saw each other. Kun turns to face the coffee machine and pretends to mess around with the settings to appear busy. Ten would recognise his embarrassment anywhere.

There are no customers because it's after closing time, and Chenle has hung around with Yangyang to help Kun clean up. Well, pretend to help Kun clean up.

"Dad!" Yangyang cries from where he's wiping a table in the corner. Ten chuckles when Kun draws in a sharp breath that's followed by a smile, dripping with frustration behind the mask of sweetness.

"Yes, honey?" Kun asks, arms across his chest.

"We're out of spray." Yangyang pouts. He waves the bottle around with a dramatic flair until Kun rubs a hand over his forehead and points to the utility room.

"No we're not. We got a delivery two days ago. You know that." Kun directs his son to the right cupboard, ignoring his grumbling, and has to close his eyes and breathe for a moment when Yangyang is finally back on the task.

"You should've got Renjun to do it." Chenle reminds his uncle for the millionth time.

Chenle wriggles from Ten's arms to go and pester his cousin instead, leaving the Thai free to approach Kun. This time, Kun can't escape because he's finished all his jobs for the evening and Ten's been to the café enough times to know that.

"Hey, handsome." Ten flashes a cheeky grin. Kun prods his chest, indignant.

"I told you to stop calling me that." Kun replies, but he visibly struggles to retain his smile. He gives up after a moment and buries his face in Ten's shoulder.

The two have been close for years but their friendship has become more flirtatious, bordering romantic, since the day Doyoung and Taeyong came and the realisation dawned on Kun. He has endured far too many conversations with his nephews and son about how Ten is obviously trying to get in his pants, and Kun just wants to know how on Earth the teenagers picked up on the flirting before he did.

"You love it." Ten hums, pulling away from the hug to make intense eye contact that has Kun's breath hitching.

"I- I don't!" Kun huffs out. It's in vain, but he insists anyway, cheeks reddening as Ten squawks with laughter and Yangyang and Chenle giggle in the corner of the café.

"When's our next date?" Ten asks. His face seems serious now, edged with desire and burning sincerity as he waits for the elder to respond. Kun's mouth opens, then shuts again.

They're standing close enough to feel the tickle of each other's breathing across their lips, which Ten joins in a languid, hesitant kiss. Kun lets out a yelp of surprise but doesn't pull away. The younger's mouth is warm and skilled and Kun's entire body slackens, limbs complying when Ten presses deep and pulls him into the nearest booth. They break apart for air, then Ten cups Kun's cheeks and dives in again. Kun parts his lips and moans when he feels the younger's tongue work its way inside. Desire and excitement fizz through his head. His skin prickles when Ten drops a hand to squeeze at his hips, the other working its way round to the back of his neck to pull him in even closer.

"How about now?" Ten whispers. His lips glisten with spit, and Kun's sure his own are faring no better. The sight of the younger with ruffled hair and swollen lips sends a shivery jolt down the length of his spine until his toes curl. "I came to invite myself to your place. We can do some baking again."

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