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Oh my goodness where do I even start?

This book has honestly accompanied me through some of the hardest months of my life and whilst things are much better now, I know I couldn't have recovered as much as I have without your support for my writing. Thank you so, so, SO much to everyone who has read this book, who has commented such lovely things and supported me along the way. I hope you are all happy and healthy and that, if you do relate to any of the themes in this book, you know that brighter moments are ahead. The light will come. Sometimes it just takes time and patience (and lots of therapy sessions...) to get there. And I'm here for you, rooting for you always <3

I love you all. Each and every one of you.

I enjoyed writing this so much and I hope you liked it! I'm so excited to have finally finished it I'm sorry >.<

I have a few side-stories/oneshots in this universe planned to be published in the coming weeks. While this book is now marked as complete, I'll add them at the end so please stay tuned for those! In the meantime, my oneshot book is still active and so is my instagram if you want to witness me screaming over nct one again :D I'll also be editing typos and formatting things here and there so that's why you might get some random update notifications.

I hope you stay tuned for my upcoming books too! ;)

For now, have a wonderful new year and look after yourselves!!!


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started: Mar 2021 // completed: Dec 2021

word count: 208387

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