Chapter 7 :

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I woke up and the first thing that on my mind is the thing of Alex with his sensei.

What are we gonna do ?

Is proberly also the first thing his gonna think after I tell him we didn't find anything.

Really I don't know what we are gonna do about the situation.

I should proberly go see him later...

A while later :

I stood infront of the brown door after I knock on it once or twice waiting patiently.

"Came in !" I heard . I opened the door and walked in.

(Brown haired man sipping water as the girl with the short brown haired girl walked in.)

"Hey , you went for a morning run ?" I asked.


"Yeah it was quite fun. Need to get into shape."


"Don't over work yourself , okay ?" I said as I gave him a engaring smile.


"Sounds like something she would say."

"Alex , what was that ?"

(Clear his trought.)

"Oh umm nothing something was in my trought."

(Girl with the short brown haired girl nodding.)

"So umm did you find something about the linked thingy ?"

"Ummm , no we didn't except some witchy tipe of shit."

"Oh really , tell me ."

"No ."

"Why not ?"

"Because your gonna wanna try it and we will not let you. And besides it's a pot of crap."

"What if that our only solution?"

"We have some more things to research about it ."

(Smile and mumbeling.)

"Jip exactly what she would have said."

"I can't hear you ! Did you forget that I'm little deaf in my ears some times !"


"Sorry Katsumi."

(The brown haired girl slapping her forehead  , shaking and laughing.)

(A moment of silence.)

"So Katsumi , have you ever met a red haired girl with gorgeous blue eyes ?"

(Brown haired man sprinting up pulling himself up and down from the door frame above his head.)

"No I haven't."She said quite conscious.



"Why have you also saw like flashes of like that red haired girl that killed that titan once !"

(Brown haired man falling onto the ground.)

"Wait - what !" He said shocked as he stood straight rubbing his sore back as he groan.

"Lately I have like flashes of her. Like we used to go to class or was close or something. I am not sure if it is that girl who killed the titan but they look exactly the same. But if I get the flashes I only see her hair and eyes , not her face."

(Brown haired man standing quiet looking down.)

"Why did you ask ? Do you know her ?"

"Have you told anyone ?"

"No...your the first person I talked to because of this. I am afraid people will think I am stupid or something." I replied as I looked down holding her one arm.

(Brown haired man starring at her.)

"Alex , if you know anything tell me please ! I beg you."

"It's nothing I just ask to know if I am the only one."

"Promise ?"

(Light smile)


(Smile back)

"But anychase let me know if you find something."

"Okay will do , bye ." I said as I gave him a kind smile and wave him goodbye.

I walked out of his house but as soon as I closed the door behind me.
I stood against the wall. My body feel numb as my hand reached over my eyes as I slowly feel the tears formjng in my eyes.

Why ?
I don't know why.

But it feels like I have somuch weight on my chest that I could get rid of.

Am I the only one that have this stupid dreams or whatever about this girl ?

I just wished it could leave !
Or just understand why !
Or what !

I am so stupid !

Why ?!

Can someone exsplain me why !

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