Chapter 4:

6 2 3

After the fight I just went on with my classes and just made as if nothing happened.

Ofcourse I checked up on Steve while Alex was in the princplice office.

I ask my teacher if I may go to the bathroom but she was stingy at the begin but she let me go.

I walk down and just across the hall was the bathroom but just as I open the door I hear the smash of lockers and when I look across the roim there Alex was grapping his things.

I decide to walk towards him.

"Hey so how long ?"


"A week."

"Ohhh'sss yeah saw the fight pretty brutal."


"Oh well anychase see you." I said with a cute wave.

"Would you mind if I came stop by sometime to borrow some of your manga books again ?" He asked.

"Sure just text when your planning to."

"Shap thanks."He said politly.

I nod my head with a light smile as I heard someone calling my name.
I gave him a friendly smile and went walking of back to the class room.

Later the day :

The school bell rang and everyone stormed out of the school gates just like every other day.

I walked through my home doors my youngrr siblings attacking me with hugs and kisses and my mother and father doing the same.

I walk past my older brother's room teasing him and laughing.

I walk through my bedroom doors and collapse on my bed judt like every other school day.

Another day past and done.
Went by just like the rest.

With the feeling of empty and something missing.

I sit up straight and switch on my bluetooth earpods as the song 'Be alright ' of Dean Lewis start playing.

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