Chapter 2:

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I walk through the front door.
My younger brother attacking me from the left and right with kisses and hugs asking me 'How was school?' , ' What toke you so long ?'
Throwing the questions around as if I am barely able to stand on my feet already now I need to focus on questions.

"Hey honey , how was school ?" My beautiful mother asked as she walked towards me as I gave her a hug resting my head on her shoulders. "Was good thanks mom." I said as I ended tje hug and started making my way  to my room.

"Aren't you gonna greet me ?" My dad ask as I walked past him as he was working on his computer. Making a short turn hugging him from behind.

"Hey daddy , sorry." I said as he gentle rumbed on my arm with his thumb.

"What toke you so long to came home ?"

"Oh I toke a walked from school and just popped by at Alex to see what he was up to. He wasn't at school today."

"Okay babes."He replied as he adjust his glasses.

"Well I am gonna get started with home. Love you !" I yelled as I walked to my room and just smiled when I heard them yelling it back.

I walked past my older brother's room as I saw him sitting infront of his phone. Proberly talking to some girls as I lean in looking at him with a smile as he look up and frown.

"What you looking at dip shit ?"

" Looking at the stupid behind your nose." I replied sarcastically with a smirk.

"Just shut up." He said as he turned his back doing what he was doing before I bothered him.

I walked into my room feeling a slight relieve as I throw my heavy bag onto the ground and just making my way towards the bed dragging my feet across the floor and collapsing onto my bed.

I know there is something off but I just can't place my finger on it.

It's these few months everything has been good but the more the days go on the more it started feeling as if thing aren't like it should be.

I have started looking for the problem between my friends and family but nothing has given me any sort of signs and my school marks have been good.

It's just the voices in my head , and the dreams and picture's up in my head.
And the feeling of someone looking at me or trying to communicate with me.

I just don't know how to describe it.

Perhaos I am dealing with past stress or anxiety.

Should proberly talk to someone about it.

(Grapping earpods connecting itvto the phone as the song of Rihanna Stay started playing. )

But who ?

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