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A/N I hope this makes sense? It's kinda sad, but you know I love angst. Also, feel free to use these as writing prompts!

Basically, this is what I think the Potatoes would say to someone who's dying:

Aru: I love you, you know that? I won't forget you. I'll never forget you.

Mini: It's okay. It'll be okay.

Brynne: I'll fight for you. I'll keep fighting for you.

Aiden: This isn't the end.

Sheela: I'm so sorry. I didn't want this to happen.

Nikita: Please don't leave me.

Kara: Don't be afraid...I've heard reincarnation is beautiful.

Rudy: I'm sorry that I couldn't help you.

And this is what I think their own last words would be:

Aru: I'm sorry we didn't have more time.

Mini: I love you guys.

Brynne: Make it mean something. Please.

Aiden: I'll see you in another life.

Sheela: We'll meet again someday. I'm sure of it.

Nikita: Don't you dare give up.

Kara: Death has stopped for me (sorry, I couldn't resist the Emily Dickinson reference)

Rudy: It wasn't your fault.

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