Potential NOI scene (COG spoilers)

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A/N The romantic tension between these two...I couldn't not write this. ;)

This was originally going to be in my Aru Shah 4.5 fic, but it didn't fit. So instead, you guys can read it here. It's not my greatest work, but I hope you enjoy it!

Aru really wished she could wear armor during her training sessions. Especially on swordplay day.

She dodged one swipe of Aiden's sword but on the next try he smacked her in the ribs. Fortunately, the blade was wooden. As it was, she'd probably have a decent bruise.

"Betrayal!" she complained, retreating a few steps.

"Keep your guard up," Aiden advised, the corner of his mouth tugging up. He tried to sneak through her opening again but this time she blocked him.

Aru wasn't sure she liked swordplay so much. The weapon itself was fine...but it wasn't Vajra. And the reason it and her sisters' celestial weapons had been lost was because of her. Even though hope buoyed her spirits, there was still some part of her rooted in the dirt, whispering in her ear that she was to blame for everything that had gone wrong.

Aiden tapped her on the shoulder. "Pay attention, Shah," he reminded her.

How was it possible--or fair--for him to look this good when 1.) it was eight in the morning and 2.) they were pretending to fight to the death? Not to mention they still hadn't really talked about the kiss...

Oh, right. She was supposed to be paying attention.

As Aiden swung his sword at her, Aru thrust out her hand, expecting her sword to change into an electrical net and tangle up his arm...

But instead her practice blade went flying.

Aru watched blankly as it clattered to the floor. Suddenly, she was overcome with a sense of longing so deep she inhaled sharply. She missed Vajra so much, it hurt. She'd wondered often, since Kara left, if she could've said or done something differently. Anything to stop this gnawing guilt.

The duel ended as Aiden pointed his sword at her chest, and then quickly lowered it. He didn't point out how badly she'd messed up the duel, at least. "All right, I think that's good for now. Break?"

Aru nodded gratefully and turned away, hoping he couldn't see the tears pricking her eyes. She walked over to the wall and slumped against it, uncapping her water bottle and taking a drink.

She sat there for a few moments, lost in thought until Aiden waved a hand near her face. "Shah?"

Aru jolted to attention. "What? Sorry."

He sat next to her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she said automatically.

Aiden raised an eyebrow. The sun was coming through the windows of their training room, which brought out his beauty even more. As for herself, from consulting the mirror this morning she knew she looked like a raccoon with the bags under her eyes.

"Okay, a lot of things," she admitted quietly, tucking her water bottle away.

"Want to talk about it?"

Aru opened her mouth to say no, but hesitated. She was tired of keeping everything to herself.

"Well, first, all of this is my fault." It came pouring out, like a dam had broken inside her. "I let the Sleeper out of the lamp. I started this war. I let Kara take the astra and the army. And I don't even remember what I wished for and how am I expected to win?"

She realized her voice had risen to a shout. "Sorry," she said, averting her gaze, her cheeks burning.

"Aru...you do know that you're not alone, right? You're not expected to do all this alone. Heck, you can't do this alone. I'm always here, and so are all the other Potatoes."

"Thank you," she said, taking a deep breath. She felt a little better, like she'd just breathed in sunlight. Or maybe that was because she was so close to Aiden Acharya.

Aru looked up, into his dusky eyes, and studied his face. She recognized the stress lines around his eyes and mouth. She'd seen them in her own mother many times. "What about you?" she asked softly. "Is there anything on your mind?"

"No," he said quickly, his expression closing up a bit. "Not at all."

Aru scowled. "Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Distancing yourself." Her voice rose again. "You basically ignored me for the last five months, and then you kissed me. And we still haven't talked about it. So tell me right now what's going on because I'm tired of being in the dark!"

Aru hadn't realized how frustrated she was until the words came pouring out of her. She caught her breath and glared at him.

"I'm sorry, Shah. I just...love's never been an easy thing for me. Because I've seen what happened with my mom." He dropped his gaze. "I thought I could avoid that by avoiding my feelings, but clearly it didn't work. I was scared. But...I do like you, Aru. And I'm so sorry that you thought I hated you."

Aru exhaled. She hadn't realized how heavy those moments had been weighing on her shoulders until now. "Thank you," she said simply.

Aiden cleared his throat, his cheeks flushing. "I know we haven't had the best start at all...but I want to fix that. I'd really like a second chance...if you'll let me. So do you want to be more than friends with me, Aru Shah?"

Aru had kind of suspected--okay, more like hoped--he would ask but she was still totally unprepared. "Um," she said eloquently.

Aiden's face fell. "I mean, of course it's--"

"Yes!" she blurted out. Shiva's underpants, why did she sound so eager?

"Um, yes," she amended.

"Well, with that over," Aiden said, a little smile coming back to his face, "maybe we should continue our swordplay session?"

"Ugh. Fine." Still, Aru grinned a little. Aiden had that effect on her.

They picked up their swords again and squared off.

Aru ran through the moves he'd taught her, and like she did in chess, wove them together to make her strategy. This time, she was ready.

As Aiden struck at her, she parried. Sidestepping another blow, she feinted sharply to the right. He took the bait. As he lowered his weight--and his guard--she knocked his blade out of his hand and sent it skittering across the floor.

She lunged. Pinning him to the wall with one arm, she used her other to rest her sword against his throat. "I win," she panted.

Aiden smirked at her despite having a blade so close to his neck. "Good work."

Aru lowered her sword but didn't step away. They were nose to nose now. She could hear Aiden's breathing quicken, his eyes widen in harmony with her telltale reactions. And then, simultaneously, they closed the remaining distance between them.

This kiss was more gentle, more comforting. Like asking for someone to be there and knowing they would be.

Someone aggressively knocked on the training room door and they reluctantly broke apart.

"That'll be Bee," Aiden said, looking toward the door. He still looked flustered, his face flushed from the fight and the kiss. Aru probably wasn't much better. "Well...goodbye, Shah. I'll see you later."

"See you, Aiden."

Brynne looked a little oddly at her when she came out. A smirk crept up her face.


"I just haven't seen you look so happy in a while."

Aru touched her face. Sure enough, she was grinning.

"Yeah." She shrugged, glancing outside where the sun was rising. "I'm good."

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