Potatoes Hiking Headcanons

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okay but imagine the Potatoes going hiking:

- Aiden holding up the entire group taking pictures of all the scenery

- Nikita taking just as long talking to plants ("Flowers are so gossipy, you should hear what they say about us")

- Brynne scaring off various animals--squirrels, deer, small bears--and trying to convince the others to jog ahead with her

- Aru trying (and failing) to skip stones in every body of water they come across, collecting cool rocks, and occasionally agreeing to race Brynne to make her happy

- Mini warning everyone about the dangers of Lyme disease, making sure everyone has sunscreen, and volunteering to carry Brynne's and Aru's backpacks

- Sheela weaving daisy chains and dandelion crowns

- Hira helping her

- Hira walks with Brynne when she's not admiring the flora and fauna next to Aiden

- Rudy investigating the mysteries of park public bathrooms and complaining about the mosquitoes and the humidity (why he came along is a mystery)

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