Chapter Two: The Mall Rats

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You pedaled your bike down the street. You decided to visit El, it's been a while since you guys have hung out. After she and Mike got back together, you never really got the chance to hang out. You practically lived at the cabin, it was like your second home and you loved being home. Once you reached the cabin and parked your bike against a tree, you saw El was pacing back and forth on the porch.

"Hey El, you good?" you asked her.

She looked at you and said, "Mike's not here"

"Oh" you said. You looked around and shrugged. "I dunno, maybe he's busy" you walked up the stairs.

You and El went inside the house and she went straight for the phone. Once Mike answered, she went inside her room and shut the door to talk to Mike. You and the Chief looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

"What's going on?" he asked you eating his cereal.

You shrugged. "Relationship stuff, are those Eggos?"

You went over to the table and there sat a plate of three stacked Eggo waffles with whipped cream topped on it and a pool of syrup on it.

"Eat" the Chief said giving you the plate, "I don't think she's going to eat it right now"

You sat down at the table and ate the waffles and all it's holy. You practically swallowed it, it was super good.

The Chief smiled at you as he watched you eat, "Does your mother not feed you?"

"Not like this" you said taking another big bite and you licked the plate clean.

Eleven then came out of her room and slammed the phone back on the wall. She turned and looked right at you. You froze in place but you quickly licked your syruped finger.

"I'm sorry I ate your plate" you said carefully still looking at her. You knew she loved Eggos and you just devoured it.

"Come" she said and she turned back to her room.

You looked up at the Chief and shrugged, you followed her into her room and she shut the door close with her mind when you did. As you laid on her bed, she explained everything that happened to her and Mike over the phone.

"He's an asshole, that's what he is" you told her when she finished.

"What?" she asked you sitting on the bed.

"He can't just treat you like that, lie to you" you said. "I know his Nana, she's a living God who will never die. By the way her  cookies are pretty bomb" you mumbled at the end.

"But what do I do about Mike?" she asked you.

You sucked in a breath. "I don't know much about this boyfriend stuff, but I know someone who does"

El rode with you on your bike as you pedaled through the streets. You leaned the bike against a tree just beside her house.

"Shit!" you heard.

As you and Eleven walked down the street, you saw a skateboard coming towards you so you stepped on the end and grabbed it with your hand as it jumped.

"We have an emergency!" you shouted over to her, being sarcastically.

You and El went inside Max's house and headed to her room. You laid on the bed and played with a bouncy ball against the wall as El explained the situation to Max.

"He's a piece of shit" she said when she finished explaining.

"Told you" you said bouncing the ball against the wall.

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